Author Topic: Plane noise town hall meeting  (Read 1759 times)

Offline abu benuska

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Plane noise town hall meeting
« on: September 24, 2015, 02:54:08 PM »
A sweet email that I just got:

"Thank you for contacting Congressman Crowley’s office with your concerns regarding plane noise. I would like to inform you of an upcoming town hall meeting devoted to the subject that will be taking place on Sunday, October 18th, at PS 69, 77 Street and 37 Avenue, Jackson Heights, beginning at 3pm. The FAA, The Port Authority, and local elected officials will be in attendance."

Elected officials who will attend, according to a PDF flier:
Joseph Crowley, Congressman
Jose Peralta, State Senator
Michael DenDekker, Assembly Member
Francisco Moya, Assembly Member
Daniel Dromm, Council Member

An attached PDF said:


Sunday, October 18, 2015
3:00 PM
P.S. 69 Auditorium
77-02 37th Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Invited to attend are the Federal Aviation  Administration (FAA) and the NY/ NJ Port Authority. Please join us and share your concerns about this important issue that is affecting the community.

For more information, please c all 718-205-3881.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Plane noise town hall meeting
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2015, 05:55:02 PM »

Offline emliv85

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Re: Plane noise town hall meeting
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2015, 10:01:05 AM »
YES! Thank you for posting this info about the meeting. I've been following the threads here regarding the noise for a while, first time posting a comment about it. I will be going to that meeting, just as we all should!!

It's becoming UNBEARABLE. I was out running errands last weekend, in and around the 70's & Northern Blvd -- Huge 747 came roaring right overhead directly towards me. Simply too low and too loud -- it was frightening. Dreading waking up at 6am tomorrow to do a repeat of it all again this weekend.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Plane noise town hall meeting
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2015, 10:37:49 AM »
YES! Thank you for posting this info about the meeting. I've been following the threads here regarding the noise for a while, first time posting a comment about it. I will be going to that meeting, just as we all should!!

It's becoming UNBEARABLE. I was out running errands last weekend, in and around the 70's & Northern Blvd -- Huge 747 came roaring right overhead directly towards me. Simply too low and too loud -- it was frightening. Dreading waking up at 6am tomorrow to do a repeat of it all again this weekend.

737 or 757, not 747. While the planes leaving LGA are horribly loud, there are no 747s at LaGuardia right now. A 747 can be recognized because it's a double-decker with a second upper set of windows in a "hump."

But yeah, that's been an awfully loud area the past few weekends. We should get some screen caps of when the noise monitors go red on Webtrak. They go REALLY red.

Offline jhjefe

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Re: Plane noise town hall meeting
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2015, 10:57:03 AM »
Thanks for sharing Abu!

Would've been nice to have the meeting scheduled on an upper floor classroom or Travers Park to get a good sense of the noise that the typical resident experiences.

Offline Notirk

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Re: Plane noise town hall meeting
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2015, 11:35:57 AM »
Thanks for sharing. Will be there!