Author Topic: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet  (Read 23685 times)

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2015, 08:40:06 AM »
What if that is their preferred form of work? Obviously it's terrible bringing someone against their will and essentially keeping them as sex slaves for profit, but what if they chose to be in the profession?

On Rosie, that isn't the case. While there are certainly sex workers in New York City who do their jobs by choice, with volition, and often quite profitably, Roosevelt Avenue is basically just a sinkhole of sex trafficking and needs to be flushed out with attack squads. Plenty of articles have been written about this. It's well established.

As others are saying, one of the big problems is what to do with the enslaved sex workers after they're "rescued." They rarely speak English, they're often illegal, and they're usually highly traumatized. We don't have support systems, social structures and laws in place to help them, and they may have made the choice that essentially being repeatedly assaulted in New York is better than being deported to be murdered in gang warfare in Honduras. It's Just a Bad Scene.

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2015, 08:42:12 AM »
Isn't it legal in Amsterdam? Should it not be legal there too?

Sex trafficking, enslavement, and intimidation are most certainly not legal in Amsterdam. And a lot of the ladies behind closed doors on Roosevelt don't want to turn to the authorities for help because, La Migra, or because they and their families have been threatened by traffickers, pimps, coyotes and the like.

Offline cultartist

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2015, 09:15:18 AM »
But why does this exist in such a flagrant and public way HERE in Jackson Heights in particular?  And, as suggested in an earlier reply, is it felt that it's just not worth fixing in our neighborhood?  Do politicians and police look on in frustration but also resignation? 

There is also the old Watergate adage of "follow the money."  Money is being made.  Lots of money.  And that money goes somewhere, is likely laundered through other businesses.  Does this explain why it's so hard and expensive to open a local business while others exist with almost no customers?

It's not easy.  It's not a problem that will ever be fixed 100% across the globe.  Sadly (although, much like with legalizing drugs, a regulated, legalized, unionized form of prostitution would render the cruel, illegal form--but that's for another debate).  But one has to wonder how it was pushed out of other neighborhoods (or at least pushed underground) while it exists like a public carnival on our main thoroughfare. 

The debate here is good.  I'm told our local politicians read this blog.  So, at least it's one way to show it's on our minds.

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2015, 10:13:24 AM »
I'm baffled by the fact that there is such blatant prostitution happening in a residential neighborhood as well.  I suspect the city doesn't do more about it because it's too much of an undertaking with too little payout (for the same reason 42nd St wasn't cleaned up until there was money to be made).  Otherwise, I can't imagine why it's allowed to go on.  I see cops on Roos at night all the time but they're clearly looking the other way.

My theory is that as long as Jackson Heights was considered only "diverse" and not a profitable neighborhood to develop, it was convenient for law enforcement to allow a sex corridor here, so the increasingly wealthy and fortress minded residents of Manhattan didn't have to deal/look at it. (Basically we and LIC got Times Square after Guiliani and the developers shut the in-your-face sex trade down.) Now that LIC is desirable all those strip clubs etc. are getting pushed out. For a long time the middle class population of JH didn't have enough clout to really effect fabric of life changes here, now that there's money being pushed into JH, things will gradually change. Unfortunately JH is maddening and mind-boggling slow to deal with fabric of life issues, so even with the money, it will still take some time. JH residents aren't asking for much, just not to have to run the gauntlet of sex clubs etc and pick up chica chica cards off their front stoop in the morning. I live in a the historic district and in the morning I often see used condoms in the gutter because the prostitutes drive over with their johns to a quiet spot on a  side street to be intimate. Just my take on it.

Offline abu benuska

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2015, 10:52:11 AM »
I think you guys are wasting precious time debating. Everyone agrees that enslavement should be stopped. Many will agree with Jeff that prostitution should be legalized.

Just take some action if you don't like it and use this board to mobilize people, instead of blablabla.

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2015, 11:24:07 AM »
What makes you think that people on this board don't take action? Many people here are involved in local organizations, attend community board meetings etc. For instance did you take note of the protest re the proposed alteration of the building at 85th and 37th Avenue. Many people are involved in the distribution of a petition, and will be attending the public hearing, some are on the speakers list.  I was involved in the distribution of a petition promoting the BID, and some people were for, and some people were against. I attended meetings and events. There are many examples of people taking action on this board.

A message board is a place for people to share ideas It's a place for people to share their thoughts on local issues, and people can blablabla to their hearts content. (even if it's just to express observations and frustrations) It's what a message board "Forum" is about. I don't always agree with people on this board, and they don't always agree with me, but if you are a member of this board and don't violate the ground rules (being respectful mostly) you can blablabla until the cows come home. And sharing ideas is the first step to "tak[ing] some action."

Offline rhydewithdis

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2015, 11:54:42 AM »
But why does this exist in such a flagrant and public way HERE in Jackson Heights in particular? 

But one has to wonder how it was pushed out of other neighborhoods (or at least pushed underground) while it exists like a public carnival on our main thoroughfare. 

It's not just here in JH. It's also quite prevalent in other immigrant heavy neighborhoods like Flushing.

I also don't seem to see the issues of old still existing in JH - namely the chica chica cards and cheap brothels that used to litter the neighborhoods (catering to the Latin population). 

Are the massage parlors you folks talking about Asian or Latin? If it's Asian, then I would say that they are proliferated throughout the boroughs and been going on forever.  If it's Latin, then it's a strategy shift whereby the obviously illegal brothels of old have been replaced by the more legitimate massage parlors which maybe operate in a gray area that makes law enforcement most tedious, and thereby less frequent.

Offline abu benuska

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2015, 11:59:27 AM »
I live here too: yeah, yeah.

Offline cultartist

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2015, 12:12:20 PM »
Hmmm....I'd say that dignifying Abu Benuska's mocking, insulting, defeatist tone with a response or continuation of name-calling is a waste of time, a distraction from the discussion and shouldn't be dignified.  So, I'd propose to just ignore that particular tangent.  Hardly productive.

But everyone is raising really good points.  And while there is probably a next step beyond this discussion, I have no idea what it would be.  I do wonder if Councilman Dromm has ever spoken out on this blight to our neighborhood (I can't find anything online--whereas State Senator Peralta's comments have been documented).  Anyone know?

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2015, 12:43:47 PM »
I'm just asking questions here.

It is crazy that so many people live here and it's going on so prevalently. It is going on still in LIC and Flushing, but mostly in the industrial sections. Our area is no way industrial, so how is it so out in the open? Lots of good points going on here.

Offline puri

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2015, 06:14:31 PM »
One very naive question: what kind of prostitution are you all talking about? I have read a lot about this and walk along Roosevelt Avenue once in a while, but I have not seen any blatant offerings. Sometimes an Asian man would ask me if I wanted a massage. I always thought that it might be like a similar establishment in Flushing or even Greenwich Village (many along 8th street) but probably dirtier and cheaper.

Offline hfm

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2015, 08:38:43 PM »
Isn't it legal in Amsterdam? Should it not be legal there too?

To me, there's monumental difference between women who choose, for whatever reason, to work legally as prostitutes and the women and girls who are forced to work at "massage" parlors.  Much has been written about sex trafficking of helpless young women and men and, if you read about it, it will break your heart.

What has to happen is that undercover police have to pretend they're clients and go inside to see what's going on.

I know it's illegal to call what you do "massage" without a NY State Massage Therapy license, for starters.  Once the detective sees there is no licensed massage person, he can begin to talk to the women he finds inside and see if they would like help.

This requires a carefully thought out plan on the part of the police and the will to expend the time and long-term effort necessary to see that these kind of sleazy operators no longer feel comfortable operating here.

I mean look at the NYT investigative report on the nail salons. If those are that bad, I don't even want to think about what the people forced into prostitution are dealing with. And days later after that report about nail salons was published, Cuomo puts together a TASK FORCE to work the issue. Where's the task force for human trafficking and prostitution? Don't get me wrong I realize the nail salon problem is more wide spread and probably safer to tackle, frankly. I doubt any nail salon owners are going to shoot at you.

Offline JDinJH

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2015, 08:49:48 PM »
I have a plan.  Hire private investigators and have them gather the evidence - they cost about $100 an hour.  You should really have a lawyer help you determine what evidence will be most effective given the circumstances.  Former prosecutors would be the ideal candidates.  Depending on the nature of the crimes being committed, i.e., federal versus state laws, bring the evidence collected to the Queens DA's Office and/or U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District (EDNY).  Of course send a courtesy copy to the local precinct as a courtesy.  If nothing has happened within three months, protest at the DA's and/or U.S. Attorney's EDNY office after putting out a press release alerting the media of the protest.  Send courtesy copies of the press releases to the DA's and/or U.S. Attorney's EDNY office and the local precinct.  A few consecutive days/weeks of some good old public shaming will get the public servants to act.

Offline hfm

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2015, 09:26:44 PM »
Apparently there is a Roosevelt Avenue Task Force that was established in 1991 to combat this.

The amount of articles about it is huge now that I'm sifting through it.

Offline Di_11372

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Re: Massaje...Massaje...Massage! Roosevelt's Sex Trade Gauntlet
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2015, 08:56:00 PM »
I am surprised at anyone living in the neighborhood for a number of years who hasn't read about about the sex traficking/forced prostitution that goes on in this neighborhood.

Thanks to the person who shared that link, that is one of several articles that came to mind.

Not only that, I once read a fascinating story that there is even a 'safe house' here for victims of sex trafficking, or very close to us, due to this issue in recent years. I also rememeber reading the women trafficked in recent years are more often Asian/ South Asian, less from Latin America.

   If I recall correctly,  JH, Jamaica, and the Bronx were the main areas where women are taken once they are trafficked in to NYC.

I'm glad this topic was brought up, if only to educate the residents who were unaware of the issue, as is evident from some of the comments.