Author Topic: Airplane Noise (Part 2)  (Read 118498 times)

Offline dssjh

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #60 on: July 19, 2015, 01:45:14 PM »
I'm sorry that practicality strikes you as "uninformed." that's not really my problem.

 let's take your path and move LaGuardia to a less populated spot.

pick one, please.

Offline queenskid2

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #61 on: July 19, 2015, 02:01:57 PM »
And what about the local jobs the airport generates.  Not just the jobs at LaGuardia itself, but the jobs at the hotels and the businesses that service the hotels.  Do we just close them up and let them take their jobs elsewhere.

 I grew up under the flight path at a time when they didn't even try to limit the noise.  I didn't like it then, nor do I like it now.  By all means, keep registering complaints, but the reality is we live in a community next to an airport and at times there is going to be noise.

Offline mchafkin

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #62 on: July 19, 2015, 03:51:54 PM »
by all means, I think everyone should complain if they're bothered. That said, I'd urge anyone who is having trouble sleeping to invest in a white noise machine. This is the one you want:

(Unlike those digital noise machines that play whale sounds, this uses a fan and an acoustic construction to make a pleasant hum. FWIW: The planes have never bothered me. Car horns, jackhammers, garbage trucks are all another story.)

Offline Lilybell

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #63 on: July 21, 2015, 10:15:51 AM »
I feel like we've actually been getting a nice break from plane noise this summer and we don't have those awful weekends of earth-shaking noise every 45 seconds as nearly as often as last year. And I'm directly under the flight path on those days, so I notice it when it happens.

Offline carrefour_ny

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #64 on: July 21, 2015, 10:52:55 AM »
A few facts about the noise this past weekend:

The link below shows data from the PA's own noise meters. Last Saturday the noise was consistently around 90-100 decibels. For comparison, the city's noise limit is 60 decibels. A normal conversation happens at about 30-40 decibels.   

The graph also shows the frequency of airplanes and their trajectory. It's pretty jarring, actually, to see that the area was subjected to 90 decibel noise every minute and a half on average.

But what's more interesting is that our area is assigned "medium" tolerance to noise, whereas, say, the area around Teterboro is "low" tolerance. I find this baffling, given that JH is a lot more populated.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #65 on: July 21, 2015, 10:56:23 AM »
I feel like we've actually been getting a nice break from plane noise this summer and we don't have those awful weekends of earth-shaking noise every 45 seconds as nearly as often as last year. And I'm directly under the flight path on those days, so I notice it when it happens.

Many other people are reporting different, directly-lived experiences than the one you describe.
 I would suggest that the 'flight path' is not a fixed thing.

Offline earbears

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #66 on: July 21, 2015, 12:15:32 PM »
Just as a point:

Quiet conversation if 30-40 decibels
Average conversation if 50 decibels

90 decibels is extremely loud and disturbing and can be felt also

Offline earbears

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #67 on: July 21, 2015, 01:17:07 PM »
This is why the planes were so bad last weekend:


    Runway 13/31 will be closed from 7/18/15 6:00 AM to 7/19/15 12:00 PM for RSA, electrical, and maintenance work, subject to air traffic control needs and weather conditions.

Not a reason not to protest but just information :)

Offline Lilybell

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #68 on: July 22, 2015, 09:41:05 AM »
Many other people are reporting different, directly-lived experiences than the one you describe. I would suggest that the 'flight path' is not a fixed thing.

The amended flight path remains in the low 70s as always. It's just not happening as often - 2013 was unbearable because it was every weekend, all weekend and often on weeknights- including all day Sunday.  Now it's every other weekend and seems to stop by noon on Sunday.  It's still annoying.

Offline luckyghost

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #69 on: July 22, 2015, 11:14:03 AM »
This is why the planes were so bad last weekend:


    Runway 13/31 will be closed from 7/18/15 6:00 AM to 7/19/15 12:00 PM for RSA, electrical, and maintenance work, subject to air traffic control needs and weather conditions.

Not a reason not to protest but just information :)

This is what I figured... we got a break the previous weekend because runway 4/22 was undergoing maintenance... but we were still getting those 10pm - 11pm takeoffs on weeknights.

Offline temujin

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #70 on: July 24, 2015, 01:09:28 AM »
I think I am okay with car honking and garbage truck as they are not frequent. What bother was those weekend where planes just fly by every few minutes. Or  one that woke you up at 5am or one at 2am. I never knew they have flights this early and late.

Offline HAMjacksonheights

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #71 on: July 24, 2015, 08:01:39 AM »
This is the product of living near an airport, I say we stop complaining and move on.

I grew up near JFK so plane noise might be embedded in my ears so maybe I just have a different take on the matter.

Offline luckyghost

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #72 on: July 24, 2015, 11:16:57 AM »
I say keep complaining, loudly and in public!

Seriously though, I think JHers are accustomed to the landing path over Nothern and the low 70s a couple days a week, engines are mostly idle, not as loud. It's those runway 22 takeoffs heading southwest that then turn left over all of JH that are a problem. There are four ways you can take off from LGA, three are over water, the other is over us.

Offline Lilybell

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #73 on: July 24, 2015, 11:25:17 AM »
This is the product of living near an airport, I say we stop complaining and move on.

Then don't complain if it doesn't bother you.

I did my research before I moved to JH to make sure it wasn't an area with a lot of plane noise, and 4 years after I moved in the flight path started changing to go directly over my street, so I'm going to keep complaining. 

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #74 on: July 24, 2015, 11:49:07 AM »
This is the product of living near an airport, I say we stop complaining and move on.

Then don't complain if it doesn't bother you.

I did my research before I moved to JH to make sure it wasn't an area with a lot of plane noise, and 4 years after I moved in the flight path started changing to go directly over my street, so I'm going to keep complaining.
