Author Topic: Airplane Noise (Part 2)  (Read 118498 times)

Offline Notirk

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2015, 05:51:21 PM »
Thanks for reposting the link. I made a complaint.

Offline francis

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2015, 06:06:32 PM »
The noise was happening last night well after 10pm. Nuts! I made a complaint as well

Offline Formosa

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2015, 07:19:17 AM »
Like clockwork, I must urge my neighbors to please take the time to lodge their complaints at:

Thank you.

Offline normart

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2015, 08:23:02 AM »
 >:(Airplanes this AM-woke me at 5:15

Offline Cyril108

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #49 on: July 18, 2015, 09:32:41 AM »
Same here.  The other runway (13/31) is closed for repairs until noon tomorrow.  So the same thing will happen tomorrow morning.  It is important to post complaints about the noise so please take the time to do so.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2015, 10:26:11 AM »
I was woken up at nearly 630am. Were they really that early at 515?

Offline dssjh

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #51 on: July 18, 2015, 10:36:51 AM »
woke me around 6:30, too. but can we really close totally or cut flights by half when repairs are going on?

Offline francis

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2015, 01:01:58 PM »
Kept me up last night as well. After 10pm there was airplane noise. Is that REALLY necessary?....with or without repairs.  What really bothers me more ( as if the noise every minute isn't enough to drive you crazy) are the fumes being poured down on us. It poses a real health hazard, especially for the elderly and children.  I keep sending complaint after complaint with no resolution in sight.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2015, 01:06:39 PM »
This airplane noise is a nightmare.

And impossible to live with. 

The only solution I have found... is to leave the neighborhood for as long as I can... while these deafening airplanes are re-routed over our heads.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2015, 01:22:52 PM »
What really bothers me more ( as if the noise every minute isn't enough to drive you crazy) are the fumes being poured down on us.

What "fumes"?

Offline zubloop

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2015, 01:38:23 PM »
Re: fumes:

This is from 2010, but it is a good overview of the environmental impact from plane emissions. If there is any good news for Jackson Heights, it is that the most damage, according to this study, is not in areas closest to the airports.

Between this and the noise, even more reason to lodge complaints.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2015, 02:05:22 PM »
So, across the US, 450 people per year are projected to die early deaths from flight-related pollution.

Compare this to the TOTAL in the USA of 200,000 early deaths per year from air pollution!

Less than 0.3% of the deaths due to air pollution are due to aviation.

Similar likelihoods occur with health impacts. Essentially negligible.

The badly tuned diesel garbage truck or delivery lorry idling on your street ONE time probably exposes you to more PM50s than all the flights out of LGA combined.

One ship which runs spectacularly dirty diesel engines that are not controlled due to the vagaries of maritime law probably puts out more PM50s than Delta's entire fleet at LGA.

Sorry; "fumes" are not a real issue for us in JH. They are way down the list for virtually anyone else in comparison with other sources of pollution.

Offline waves

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2015, 07:29:19 PM »
Jet fumes are full of benzene and many other dangerous particulates, which cause cancer, asthma, and COPD, among other diseases. Here's one study from Boston's Logan Airport:
I smell the fumes in Jackson Heights often when the planes are frequent and low (and loud).

Today's horrible, all day/evening barrage of extreme, repetitive noise of airplanes flying unnecessarily low, loud and frequent, so close to our rooftops, should be illegal. It's damaging in so many ways. I fill out the Noise Complaint very often. The FAA's new NEXT GEN computer system has fairly recently been programmed to skim our neighborhood rooftops (and nature areas) now, and groups all over the country are fighting them, and some are winning, such as Phoenix, AZ.

Let's fight; we're New Yorkers! Queens Quiet Skies is a good place to start. And keep complaining on that link or phone # and to your representatives; the more complaints, the more they'll have to pay attention!

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2015, 08:03:06 PM »
Here’s the link to your study (your link did not link to the original report)

The key finding, not shown in news reports about the study  but pasted direct from the link above:

Although higher prevalences of current and probable asthma were observed in the high exposure area in crude, univariate, analyses (Table 6.5), when potential confounding factors were controlled for in this analysis, no differences were observed across the high, medium, and low exposure areas for the likelihood of current or probable asthma. …Tests of trend were not significant for any of the targeted respiratory outcomes.


 i) I hate the noise, particularly the fact that it is imposed without notice or consultation.

ii) You get dozens of times more exposure to benzene by filling your gas tank once at a gas station than having planes fly over you all day.

iii) the serious health study you cite says this: as soon as they take into account  other health, economic factors and proximity to roads, ALL THE  OUTCOMES become statistically insignificant - in other words, they couldn’t detect any effect on asthma, COPD or any health effects different from the background of living in a city.

As soon as you make this about “fumes” being “unhealthy”  in an urban environment where cars, lorries, and many other ground pollution sources completely dominate health impacts, you deflect from the real, addressable problem.........which is the noise.

Offline Formosa

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Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« Reply #59 on: July 19, 2015, 11:53:10 AM »
woke me around 6:30, too. but can we really close totally or cut flights by half when repairs are going on?

As you seem quite fond of regurgitating the same uninformed comments on this particular subject, may I ask what precisely you would propose?  Surely it cannot be nothing, unless the history of the Cuyahoga River and the passive attitude of the Cleveland citizenry have taught you nothing. 

To be clear, the impetus for my posting the reminder to file complaints is so that a log of such voices can be recorded at either the PANYNJ or FAA, something also suggested by Councilman Dromm.  And, as far as I'm concerned, it's the least any involved citizen can do to hopefully start the process of forcing bureaucrats in D.C./Albany to begin considering alternatives.  Obviously, one solution would be a relocation similar to what Hong Kong did in the late 90s, when the territory moved its airport to a less populated area on reclaimed land.  Meanwhile, unlike LaGuardia, Hong Kong is consistently ranked one of the top 5 busiest airports in the world.  So, unless there's a lack of political will or too strong an institutional inertia, I'm not sure why the U.S. of A. cannot solve this problem.  At the minimum, as a full participant in this democratic experiment, it is my duty to hold the politicians/bureaucrats accountable. 

Therefore, the next time you see the thread on plane noise, may I suggest taking a deep breath before leading us down the path toward the "Burning River?"