Author Topic: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building  (Read 45541 times)

Offline eddie

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #60 on: December 06, 2014, 10:31:25 AM »
I was just telling my husband that I bet they will open a bank and chicken joint. I personally would like a chipotle.  I guess it boils down to whomever can pay the high rents. so sad..  >:(

would love a chipotle... we have plenty of local businesses and unique restaurants ... i dont get why ppl freak out over some commercial stores. a nice, clean mcd's wouldn't be the end of the world or affect the QOL.

Offline cultartist

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #61 on: December 06, 2014, 10:48:25 AM »
Even though I would almost always choose Coatzingo, Tia Julia, Maravillas or Tacos Morelos over Chipotle I still think it would be the best choice of the fast food options.  Healthier, more creative--a place that just tries a little harder than McDonald's or Burger King.  Not, of course, that we have any choice in this kind of thing--the landlord will do what he wants and will most likely take the easiest, most secure and profitable route.  But, hey, nothing wrong with dreaming and hoping a little bit. 

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #62 on: December 06, 2014, 11:06:05 AM »
With 70,000 square feet, the owners have a rare opportunity.  A bank or a Popeye's being the least appealing/needed tenants. 
Movie theatre, or cultural arts center or bookstore would get my vote/business. 

Offline cultartist

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2014, 11:26:26 AM »
Here's a thought--and not sure what we can do to help make it happen--for something that's a chain (i.e. with investment money) but also something the neighborhood could use:  a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's.  I know, I know--we have an amazing Sunday greenmarket and fabulous produce stands but this might be welcome and popular as well. 

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #64 on: December 06, 2014, 11:32:25 AM »
Here's a thought--and not sure what we can do to help make it happen--for something that's a chain (i.e. with investment money) but also something the neighborhood could use:  a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's.  I know, I know--we have an amazing Sunday greenmarket and fabulous produce stands but this might be welcome and popular as well.

If you have ever been to the Trader Joe's in Queens, you probably know that the congestion created by shoppers (mostly people with cars) is horrendous.  No matter how much I would love a TJs in walking distance of my apartment, I would never wish that congestion on this neighborhood.

I personally would love to see a NYSC, but I don't know how likely that is to happen.

I also agree that the LL's are going to be trying to get as much money as possible.  I am wondering if someone who understands the issues from both sides could write up a sample paragraph with thoughtful content that we could personalize and send to the LL/management.  I really doubt that writing them asking for a bookstore or cultural venue is going to work.  At this point I feel like we just need to have the most appealing chain store possible.  This way they get their money and we get something that is not as horrible as a Popeyes.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #65 on: December 06, 2014, 12:02:45 PM »
With 70,000 square feet, the owners have a rare opportunity.  A bank or a Popeye's being the least appealing/needed tenants. 
Movie theatre, or cultural arts center or bookstore would get my vote/business.

Multiple movie theaters have failed in this neighborhood. "Cultural arts center" can't compete with chains on rent. Bookstores are, sorry to say, pretty much dead as a category. We need to be realistic - these landlords are not neighborhood-friendly and are just looking to cash in at the highest dollar value possible. We need some people who understand what chains can pay, and can steer them at least away from Popeye's and towards something a *little* better.

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #66 on: December 06, 2014, 12:04:47 PM »
If you have ever been to the Trader Joe's in Queens, you probably know that the congestion created by shoppers (mostly people with cars) is horrendous.  No matter how much I would love a TJs in walking distance of my apartment, I would never wish that congestion on this neighborhood.

Agreed. In Queens, TJ's requires parking, and that building has no parking. Not only does it have no parking, that block is perpetually gridlocked all through the weekend with out-of-towners in cars driving in to shop at Subzi Mandi et al. Not appealing for TJ's planners.

Online dssjh

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #67 on: December 06, 2014, 12:27:02 PM »
agreed with all of those points. movie theaters all across the five boroughs are closing up shop, and bookstores? as a writer, the idea just makes me cry.
 if we're talking national/regional chains, we could shoot for something in the clothing realm -- there's already a gap on 82nd, but there has to be something in the mid-price range - or housewares. i don't think a fast-casual restaurant would work all that well, since it'll be more expensive than cheap eats options and not as good as the sit-down places a lot of folks are craving. maybe someone could open a nice restaurant, but Jerry Crisci suggested that the landlords were not being terribly tenant friendly in terms of negotiating rents.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #68 on: December 06, 2014, 12:40:18 PM »
This makes me realize how fortunate the people at the other (80s) end of the neighborhood are to have gotten the larger new organic store in the newly-rebuilt-after-the-fire building on 84th/37th instead of something like a Popeyes.

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2014, 12:42:58 PM »
okay, i have to say it. popeye's might be my favorite fast food place -- it even ends up on top ten lists from my food critic pals when fried chicken rankings are taken. that said, i'd rather have something other than fast food there.

Offline eddie

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #70 on: December 06, 2014, 12:58:57 PM »
okay, i have to say it. popeye's might be my favorite fast food place -- it even ends up on top ten lists from my food critic pals when fried chicken rankings are taken. that said, i'd rather have something other than fast food there.

yea if a chipotle and popeyes opens up there I wouldn't be mad at all... I love the restaurants around here but there's nothing wrong with some american fast food sometimes.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #71 on: December 06, 2014, 02:43:20 PM »
the acceptance on the board of the lowest common denominator is really depressing. it's also really bad strategy.

when you want to effect change or negotiate, you don't start from "this is OK, this will be barely acceptable", becuase the other side will just  go lower.

you need to start from a plausible demand. Like 60% locally owned, non-franchise store per block. Then in negotiation, that comes down.

If the community can actually effect pressure; can landmarks, JHBG, danny dromm, city ordinances be put into effect here? Can we talk at all about foot traffic, parking impact, littering, environmental friendliness....perhaps minority/female owned business breaks from the city?

How have other neighborhoods that actually give a damn slowed the inevitable chain-ification of their COMMUNAL commercial space. It DOES happen in NYC; particularly in brownstone Brooklyn. Their advice would be welcome.

Online dssjh

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #72 on: December 06, 2014, 03:50:18 PM »
there are no city ordinances against fast food, banks, or anything like that. if there were, new york city would still be new york city.
i appreciate your idealism, but there's nothing the "community" can "demand" from a commercial landlord. zip. zilch. nada. i'm not saying that's right, but i am saying it's true.

this isn't a new development where the landlord is asking de facto permission to do something. this is a landlord rebuilding and looking to make a killing. that's the modern world. yeah, it sucks. but you and i don't have any leverage to tell a building owner what to do with his property - other than, in the historic district, demand a specific color for signage.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #73 on: December 06, 2014, 05:55:09 PM »
I agree that it's unlikely we can demand much effectively; we can exert moral and political pressure, but it probably wont add up to much - unless.....

 I ask again: how have neighborhoods in brownstone Brooklyn resisted some of the rush to chain-ification? There are commercial landlords there who can presumably rent to banks and 7-11s and mcdonalds - those guys money is as good there as it is here - and yet you don't see them in those neighborhoods in anywhere NEAR the density we do here in a nominally historical district.

Why? What mechanisms did they have that we don't?  Community Boards? Local politicians promise of access - or a threat?. Something must work there that doesn't here. We need to know.

It's worth a shot.

Online dssjh

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Re: Fire breaks out at Bruson Building
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2014, 06:17:06 PM »
but there are banks and 7-11s and starbucks all across brownstone brooklyn. no popeyes, because that's too declasse for folks who want to spend $20 for fried chicken. but there's a duane reade or cvs every block or two, an atm on every corner. they just have nicer signage.