Author Topic: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets  (Read 6294 times)

Offline Chuckster

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Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« on: June 23, 2008, 11:48:19 AM »
I can't stress how much it bothers me to see unleashed dogs walking the streets.  Not only does this possibly present a hazard to the animal, but to humans as well.  As much as we think we know our pets, we can't be 100% certain or predict how they will react in any given situation.

The New York Daily News recently reported on a dog attack that occurred in nearby Astoria late last week.  An owner and his small dog were out on a walk when they were approached by 2 loose pitbulls.  According to the report, the two collared pitbulls aggressively attacked the small dog while the owner tried to fight them off and got bitten on his hand as well.  While the two pitbulls were eventually fended off, there remain unanswered questions.  Where did the dogs come from and where was their owner?

Puppy nearly eaten by bigger dogs
The Chuckster has spoken!

Offline toddg

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 12:03:08 PM »
There has been a lot of discussion about this on Astorians:

And another dog bite incident over here:

It evolved into a bitter argument about whether ownership of pit bulls should be regulated, with some defenders of the breed questioning whether the incident even happened.

I haven't seen this in JH proper, but I've seen men training their pit bulls to be fighting dogs at the Hart playground in Woodside.  When the police came, they just scattered. 

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 12:17:53 PM »
On one of our early walks when my dog was a puppy, I remember being approached by a young guy on 34th Avenue with an adult Mastiff.  He noticed that my pup seemed a bit nervous, and he asked me I was interested in teaching my dog to become more aggressive. He demonstrated a few techniques that he had taught his dog, and sure enough the dog responded to each one of his owner's strict commands.  I told the guy that I wasn't interested in teaching my dog aggression and then asked him why he thought this was a good idea.  He really didn't have much of an answer other than to say that he thought it was cool to have a tough dog.
The Chuckster has spoken!

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 07:27:44 PM »
Even a leashed dog can be dangerous in a blink.  I rarely see unleashed dogs but I don't walk near them when I do.  That thread on Astorians about pit bulls' pro and cons is testy.  So I'm not going to say anything except I've experienced, thru friends, so many different breeds: large and small.  I very rarely blame the dog.  But all dogs should be on a leash for THEIR OWN protection.  I saw a dog get hit by an SUV a couple years ago on 34th at 86th.  Horrible. 
First, do no harm.

Offline jocy

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2008, 01:52:32 PM »
I just recently adopted a pitbull mix from a local shelter here and is a very responsible dog owner.  I walk my dog but properly, so the dog walks next to me and is not running off.

I ran into a lady who had an unleashed dog on 72nd between 34th Ave and Northern Blvd.  She was about 1/2 a block behind the dog.

She kept saying that it's okay... I said very loudly, it's not okay.  Her dog had zeroed in on my dog, and I couldn't exactly turn around and run off because her unleashed dog would have followed me.  She had no idea how to read her dog's behavior.  If her dog was truly okay, her dog would have just taken 1 look at my dog and then looked somewhere else... not zeroed in.

Irresponsible dog owners REALLY bother me.  If a fight between were to ever break out, I would have been the one to blame because my dog is a pitbull, and they already have a bad reputation... even though her dog was unleashed.  WTF?

Dog owners need to be more responsible....

Offline jocy

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 01:54:17 PM »
I just recently adopted a pitbull mix from a local shelter here and is a very responsible dog owner.  I walk my dog properly, so the dog walks next to me and is not pulling or running off.

I ran into a lady who had an unleashed dog on 72nd between 34th Ave and Northern Blvd.  She was about 1/2 a block behind the dog.

She kept saying that it's okay... I said very loudly, it's not okay.  Her dog had zeroed in on my dog, and I couldn't exactly turn around and run off because her unleashed dog would have followed me.  She had no idea how to read her dog's behavior.  If her dog was truly okay, her dog would have just taken 1 look at my dog and then looked somewhere else... not zeroed in.

Irresponsible dog owners REALLY bother me.  If a fight between were to ever break out, I would have been the one to blame because my dog is a pitbull, and they already have a bad reputation... even though her dog was unleashed.  WTF?

Dog owners need to be more responsible....

Offline hunnybear

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 06:30:55 PM »
There are two people in my immediate area 84 bet 34/35 ave that let their dogs run loose. One is the super of the building on 34 ave that dog has scared the crap out of me numerous times (he is friendly) especially when I was walking my dog he would follow us and he was big. another lady (whom appears out of her mind -sorry it's true) always has her dog running all over and she runs with the dog the dog almost got hit by a car 3x that I've seen and when I said nicely about a leash she said go f..... yourself!

Offline jocy

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 07:52:01 PM »
I wonder if you tell the lady that what she's doing is against the law.  Theoretically, you can report her.  It's NYC law to have dogs leashed with 6 feet or less (except in designated areas at designated times).

Offline Arlinda

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2009, 10:50:29 PM »
I have a very gentle and very noisey small dog  .... a poodle mix with  schnauzer maybe.  This puppy would not hurt  anyone.  I would never not ever walk him without his leash.  The law requires that all dogs be leashed.  Unleashed dogs face tremendous peril without restraints and residents and neighbors are entitled to the security provided by the leash law.

It is irresponsible, selfish and completely unacceptable for any pet to be off the leash.  It puts the community and the puppy at risk.

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2009, 11:22:09 AM »
The woman may be the same person who lives in the building (84-10 34th Ave?) as the super with the boxer....I've talked to her many times over the years - she feins deafness when approached - doesn't use a leash or pickup after her dog - who has pooped on my property several times.  (I am a dog owner and have never let my dog on private property).

Wish the police would issue a summons to these guys.  I mean it's daily - not hard to spot them. The super lets his dog crap on the building's grass on the 85th street side (away from his apartment). 

Offline Dennis P. Owens

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2009, 01:18:44 AM »
Hi!  I find what you're describing to be disturbing on several levels...

While this type of problem is less prevalent than it was, in years past, it continues to happen.  NYPD is unlikely to issue a summons for this.  It's most often not witnessed by them and it's probably not easy to find witnesses to swear out the complaint.

We live in a society where most people have video or photo capability, via their cell phones, right?  Imagine if an enterprising person or persons decided to record people who don't clean up their dog's feces and or that allow their dog to run at-large.  The images could make it to a site, specifically dedicated for the purpose of "putting the offender on blast" and perhaps shame and/or societal pressure (Mommy, I saw a video of you and Pookie at school, today.  You were supposed to clean up the poop.  All of my friends were calling you "poopy," Mommy!)

Might that not have an effect?  It might also be possible to send the images or video to a Community Liason Officer at the 115th Precinct.

Just a thought.

Be well and...

Go with Dogs,
Dennis P. Owens
Creator, Cane Cultura - The Modern Dog Culture

Offline Arlinda

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Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2009, 12:40:58 PM »
Ruffie, my current little rascal, and I have never encountered an unleased dog.  However, my Toby, a sweet, kind, loving, marshmellow of a puppy was attacked twice by unleashed pit bulls.  The first one broke the leash and made a beeline for my Toby and it involved my having to kick the other dog.  The second one was the worst.  The pit bull came from nowhere and with no leash.  It got through the fence surrounding the building between 89th & 90th Street on 35th Avenue.  Thank god it was only a puppy so when it went for my Toby's throat its owner who said he wasn't the owner was able to extricate the dogs. 

My super who was standing outside at the time came over to help and told the "I am not the owner" guy that he better put the dog on a leash.  I was so distraught, I broke down and my puppy who was attacked was trying to comfort me!!!!!!!  I never ever walked down that block again.

That sweet and very brave little puppy died less than a few months later from complications of diabetes and Cushing's disease.  He was so beloved by the children in my building that they left flowers and notes at my door.  He was one of a kind and it was a privilege to be his caretaker.

I apologize for the digression but I just had to tell Toby's story.