Author Topic: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog  (Read 6217 times)

Offline Shelby2

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2014, 12:37:49 AM »
I wish there were special days where JH private courtyards were open to the public...

It's done one weekend every summer.

Yes, OP can check Jackson Heights Garden Tour (Flickr) for some pics.

Offline queensplantboy

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2014, 10:29:25 AM »

I like the category ideas thus far. Remember simplicity is key for something like this! Wordpress has become much more difficult to use in my opinion- 3 years ago it was much more user friendly- today I get lost in their system whenever I try to post something..... good luck with that, wish I could help.

Offline toque198

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2014, 08:19:09 PM »
There is a nondescript building on 81st between 37th and 35th Ave.

The side that faces the Methodist Church playground is incredibly decorated in brick.  Remember, this side of the building used to overlook a garden and so was made to look better because it commanded a better view.

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2014, 11:45:32 AM »
@ queensplantboy- We're on the same page. I'm thinking the blog would be divided into categories.

Here's my (tentative) list:

Garden Apartments (clearly the most obvious)
Apartment Courtyards
Streets/ Public Spaces
Interior Spaces (like photos)
Interior Lobbies
Commercial Spaces
Neighborhood Events
Vintage Jackson Heights (Old Photos)

(Do you guys suggest any other categories?)

Now for the difficult part- I'm trying to design the blog page on wordpress and it looks like it'll take me awhile  to get it up and running and make it easy for people to add photos.

I think having a link to events might get lost in a blog like this.  I like all the other categories and agree that you need a section for private homes.  Might you consider something for new construction alerts? 

Offline cornflake4011

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2014, 02:06:56 PM »
The website will be launched next weekend! It's coming along well... Get your photos ready!

Offline cornflake4011

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2014, 02:43:08 PM »
@ homeowner: new construction and garden homes, backyards, and interiors will be added!

Good suggestions!

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2014, 10:15:06 AM »
Cornflake - I started a new topic here on JHL re facade work.  That's the kind of stuff I think would be good to see on your new site.

Offline cornflake4011

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2014, 12:29:14 PM »
@ homeowner-  please post your pics of new renovations under the  corresponding building type. I'm sure this will create some comments on the blog instead of devoting a section entirely to renovations. There are many building types and renovations, so having them in the appropriate building type should be sufficient enough.

Offline cornflake4011

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2014, 09:57:27 PM »
Hey there-

So I know over 900 people have looked at this posting, so please take a look at the architectural blog site I've created.  It's still at it's infancy, but let me know what you guys think-

Below is the link to the blog:

Offline Superclam

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2014, 07:13:57 AM »
Looks nice, I like the layout. I look forward to more photos.

I'm also a big fan of 86th & 87th betw. 34th & 35th Aves., and the limestone Salvation Army building on 35th, I think bet. 86 & 87.

There's also a cool art deco looking church on 35th Ave at about 92nd/93rd.

Offline taggie

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Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2014, 03:16:37 PM »
 A for effort here. It's a great new addition and am sure many will follow. Personally, would love to see clearer
photographs. Suggestions even for iphone pics are to try and take the photographs at times of day when light
is bright- 10am and 2pm this time of year might be good. Steady yourself by maybe leaning on a car if you
can't use some kind of mini-tripod. Check out gorilla pods for example. Other than that this is a project that
showcases what a lot of us love about Jackson Heights but strong content has to be there. Big thanks!