Author Topic: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area  (Read 4690 times)

Offline daisy

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Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:03:35 PM »
Hey guys.  I don't know if there's already a thread on here about this but does.  A very well dressed young gentleman got into my building twice and has been knocking on doors saying he's from Con Ed and asking for their bills.   Do not give him your bill.  These guys are not from Con Ed nor are they authorized to do this.  The trick is they'll say they're from Con Ed and are trying to help you save money.  They'll ask you to sign something and in reality you are allowing them to switch you to another electric company and your bills will go up.  This is a well documented scam and Con Ed is aware and has warned the public.

I didn't open my door the first time around but he came again in the evening and I got mad.  I opened the door and told him he needs to leave the building and stop conning people.  I told him he's not from Con Ed and Con Ed did not authorize him to come.  He tried retorting with a dumbstruck look but I shut the door in his face and told him to leave.  Ugh, these people are such scum.  He must be canvassing Jackson Heights - be warned.

Here's the thread on Astorians.

Offline Mike V

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 07:30:25 AM »
They came to the Berkeley 77th St and rang my bell.  The super lives across the hall and was home.  I rang the
Super's bell and he came out.  Was escorted out of the building.  Yes, it's a scam.  The prey are the senior citizens
who have little money and are looking to save money which they don't.  They have been out here
for two years.  This is not new and they're not leaving.  It's good that you posted.  

Offline PumpkinCheescake

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 06:50:51 PM »
I live in the 90th St/Elmhurst section of JH and I've seen them come around numerous times in the past 4 years that I've lived here.  I've seen them multiple times this year, and in fact, they just came to my apt this evening.  Tonight was the worst instance in that there were 4 of them(!) at my door - all of them looked about 16 yrs old.  They asked if I have certain verbiage on my electric bill, to which I responded no because I didn't care, was hoping they would leave quickly, and I already knew this was a scam.  They then responded that since I didn't have it on my current bill, it meant I didn't have a service provider (huh??).  They asked to see the bill and claimed they could save me money.  Needless to say I did not show them anything and declined their offer.  Ridiculous that these people are getting into the building so frequently and that there are KIDS involved in this scam! 

This has happened one too many times now.  Next time I will tell them that I know this is a scam and that unless they can prove otherwise, I will call the police if they do not immediately leave the building.  I suggest that everyone else do the same.

Offline foobah

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 08:19:11 PM »
The police probably won't do anything, because they are probably not breaking the law.  See Section 349 of Article 22-A of the NYS general business code:

Under energy deregulation, representatives of ESCOs (energy supplier companies) are allowed to go door-to-door to solicit people to get their energy from them instead of from con-ed.  Sometimes they switch people without their consent, which is illegal, but I think the majority of them are more-or-less legit.  I wouldn't let them see your bill though.  You can always research different ESCOs yourself online and make your own decision.  I personally use an ESCO that supplies wind power, ConEdison Solutions, as I don't mind paying a little extra to reduce my carbon footprint.

Offline cl4t

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 04:10:04 PM »
i actually read foobah's link to the laws of new york and found these two entries:

2. Any person who sells or offers for sale any energy  services  to  a customer for or on behalf of an ESCO shall (a) properly identify himself or  herself and the energy services company or companies which he or she represents; (b) explain that he or she does not represent a distribution  utility; (c) explain the purpose of the solicitation; (d)  provide  each prospective  customer with a copy of the "ESCO consumers bill of rights" developed by the public service commission,  in  consultation  with  the   Long Island power authority, the state consumer protection board and the department  of  law;  and  (e)  provide any written materials, including contracts and the "ESCO consumers bill of rights", in the same  language utilized to solicit the prospective customer.

9. The attorney general, upon his or her own motion or upon referral from the public service commission, the Long Island power authority or the department of state, may bring a civil  action  against  any  energy services  company  that violates  any provision of this section and may recover (a) a civil penalty not  to  exceed  one  thousand  dollars  per violation; and (b)  costs and reasonable attorney's fees. In any such proceeding the court may direct restitution.

so if these con men are posing as con Ed reps, they have violated the provision and you should call them out on it. since they are to properly identify themselves, i would ask for their business card and report them (not that i expect anything will really happen). go vigilante me!
-fermented and fried

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2011, 11:59:51 AM »
I've found not much use in trying to reason with them. Most I've encountered aren't exactly all there, and even if they say 'fine', they'll just go to the next door.

Offline foobah

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2011, 02:09:29 PM »
so if these con men are posing as con Ed reps, they have violated the provision and you should call them out on it. since they are to properly identify themselves, i would ask for their business card and report them (not that i expect anything will really happen). go vigilante me!

Yes, that's right.  If they are claiming to be from con ed, but aren't, that is definitely illegal.  I've had 3 or 4 different ESCOs come to my door, and they always start by saying they don't work for con ed.  So I assume that most of the people going door-to-door are more-or-less following the rules.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2014, 07:21:04 PM »
Does this practice seem to be increasing?  Twice in the past month I have tried to stop these energy salesmen from going door to door inside our building.  Since they already know where I live, I don't want to antagonize them too much.  To get them to leave, I feel I don't have much recourse besides calling the super and leaving a message.

Offline hfm

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2014, 08:59:42 PM »
These creeps were my bldg at least once as well. I wish we'd put a sign up saying door-to-door sales are considered unauthorized tresspassing. Of course then the sign looks like garbage..

Offline Dkaplan

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Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2014, 09:01:00 PM »
Last week and the week before there was a man in my building ringing on everyone's doorbells asking if "they got their rebate check". I asked what company he was from and he said "your energy company" but he wouldn't give his name or his company's name.  Both times he came around 8:30PM on a week night.  He was definitely trying a hard sell technique by not going away when I told him I wasn't interested.  It wasn't until I threatened to call the police and the building manager that he left both times. 

I would never trust someone who won't give their name or company when their knocking on my door