Author Topic: Please Curb Your Dog!  (Read 33018 times)

Offline fodoherty

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2008, 09:06:07 AM »
You know they are going to put a dog run in under the BQE!

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2008, 07:21:43 PM »
Yes, we do know and we're excited.  There's another thread that talks about the dog run.  COOL.
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Offline francis

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2008, 06:45:51 PM »
Here's a first, for me at least.  My dog starts to bark every time someone walks a dog past my house.  Probably a territorial thing.  Anyway,  as I'm calling my pup back from the driveway gate, a woman walking her dog is letting the dog shit on my front lawn.  I ask her--in a polite tone through the gate, to please curb her dog.  She tells me in such an emphatic tone "I"M picking it up!" I can see a paper towel of some sort and she  kneels down as if she is doing so.  Or so I thought.  When I finally opened the gate  to the front lawn,  there remained the  pile of shit.  A pooper scooper impostor among us.  How bizarre is that. I've seen it all now! 

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2008, 08:57:49 AM »
Here's a first, for me at least.  My dog starts to bark every time someone walks a dog past my house.  Probably a territorial thing.  Anyway,  as I'm calling my pup back from the driveway gate, a woman walking her dog is letting the dog shit on my front lawn.  I ask her--in a polite tone through the gate, to please curb her dog.  She tells me in such an emphatic tone "I"M picking it up!" I can see a paper towel of some sort and she  kneels down as if she is doing so.  Or so I thought.  When I finally opened the gate  to the front lawn,  there remained the  pile of shit.  A pooper scooper impostor among us.  How bizarre is that. I've seen it all now! 

I cracked up when I read this.  Went to bed.  Woke up.  Read it again.  Cracks me up every time I read it. 

Pooper Scooper Imposter!!   

This past week I saw two different sanitation cars driving slowly around the blocks.  Now they may have been looking for garbage violations (every building that doesn't clean up their sidewalks can receive a summons) or they may have been the Pet Patrol.  I wonder.
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Offline Dawnie

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2008, 02:26:59 PM »
Yesterday on my block (79th St btwn 37 & 35th) I stepped in dog poo and today again on 79th btwn 35th & 34th I stepped in dog poo again.  It appears to be from a large dog and it is Very fustrating that people who own pets still do not pick up after there dog?  I don't understand?  Buy a pooper scooper if you do not want to touch it!!  It seems to be a problem again.  Haven't people learned to pick up after there pets?

..........I know they say stepping in dog sh*t is good luck well, I"m not amused!!!!!!!! >:(

Offline abee

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2008, 07:24:31 PM »
It is so annoying- my dog has to stop and smell every dog poo on the ground-  :o if people would pick up after themselves, my walks would go so much faster!

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2008, 07:45:44 PM »
..........I know they say stepping in dog sh*t is good luck well, I"m not amused!!!!!!!! >:(

Of course "they" say that.  "They" always say things like that when bad luck happens.   :tickedoff:   

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Offline Birch-Ed

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2008, 01:23:59 PM »
In the 70's I had a Boxer when the law was passed in New York in which you had to clean up after your dog.  I always carried newspapers with me to slip under his behind after he stopped going around in circles knowing he was about to go.   It was the easiest solution since he was a large dog that ate alot.  My father bought a pooper scooper and since I was the one that actually took the Boxer out everyday, I told him that the scooper was too small for Toro's poop and that he would need more like a Shovel and a Radio Flyer Wagon.

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2009, 11:03:46 AM »
check out the yard at 3731 79th st.  it's real bad... someone should do something... that front yard is toxic!

seriously there's never less than 15 individual pieces of dog feces on the front yard.


That's a lot!

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #54 on: February 14, 2009, 07:35:05 PM »
sooooo you stood there and counted? yikes.

all kidding aside, that is disgusting.  I think more people don't pick up after their dogs than do.  It's a shame.
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Offline PetMau

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #55 on: February 26, 2009, 10:45:16 AM »
What I've done is this: I carry those little doggie bags in a case on my leash.  When I see someone letting their dogs go and about to walk away, I say something like "Oh did you forget to grab a bag? I have an extra one." 

Nothing like positive reinforcement - if it works for the dogs, hopefully it will work for the owners. My bf and I are new parents to an adopted cockapoo and we always pick up after him. We have the same type of leash with the rolled up bags inside. It amazes me how much crap I see on the sidewalks when we take Baxter out for a walk. I'm dying for the day when I catch someone in the act and can do what you do!  :rockon:

Offline PetMau

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #56 on: February 26, 2009, 10:56:26 AM »
check out the yard at 3731 79th st.  it's real bad... someone should do something... that front yard is toxic!

seriously there's never less than 15 individual pieces of dog feces on the front yard.


That's a lot!

That's right  up the street from me and you're absolutely right! It's so disgusting! They recently cleaned it up - probably had to pay a hefty fine! What's even more disgusting is that twice this week, I've seen pee in our lobby! I've called the super twice on it and all they do is clean it up! They should try to survey who the culprit is and fine the owner or start eviction proceedings (although it could be a tenant). In a building of the same complex on the 78th Street side, we had a tenant who would crap in the lobby next to the elevator - absolutely wretched!

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2009, 11:46:06 PM »
Not scooping your dog's poop when visiting a park?  It'll cost you $250 starting June....that's if you're caught in the act.  So the current fine is $100 for not scooping in parks, but $250 if you fail to clean-up in the streets.  It would be interesting to see some quantitative info on whether or not the $250 street fine has been effective.  There are some numbers mentioned in this article, but they don't tell the whole story.

New York Daily News
Pick up your dog's poop, or pay up big: Parks Department raises fine to $250
By Frank Lombardi

Tuesday, May 19th 2009, 6:56 PM

The Parks Department is giving dog owners $150 more reasons to pick up after their pets - it's raising its pooper-scooper fine to $250, from the current $100.

Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe told a City Council budget hearing Tuesday that the fine will be hiked in June.

"And we hope it will further deter dog owners who do not stoop to scoop," he said.

The higher fine will bring parks up to the same $250 fine that the Sanitation Department began imposing in November for doggy-doo violations on the streets.

Benepe noted that the Parks Department has been cracking down on park pooper-scooper violators.

Enforcement agents issued 71 summonses in March, 98 in April and 10 so far this month.

He said he's also planning a new campaign to "change the culture of litter in our parks."
The Chuckster has spoken!

Offline hunnybear

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2009, 07:04:59 AM »
I see people do this all the time with no care in the world as to whether they get fined or not. I find it disgusting to leave it there for someone to step in and it is unsanitary. Nobody likes to pick up poop but thats the price of having a dog

Offline Griswold Contessa

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Re: Please Curb Your Dog!
« Reply #59 on: June 24, 2009, 02:27:19 PM »
We have a few dog owners in our building that allow their large dogs to urinate right outside the basement door leaving a large puddle to step over and in the heat of the Summer the stench is overwhelming!!!!  I don't understand these dogowners it's unfair that we all have to suffer due to their total lack of disregard for our community.
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