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Messages - Donald G

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Thank you for the information.  I visited the website and am enjoying it.  Would love to have a house tour or JH homes.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Estimated ConEd Bills
« on: June 28, 2020, 10:41:00 AM »
Several years ago the Super of my building and his family went out of the country on vacation.  For 2 weeks I was the temporary Super assistant.  My job was to let utility people into 2 buildings for them to read meters.

During a Con Ed meter reading visit, the guy said that Con Ed was installing new meters on all buildings.  With the new meters, there would be no need for an individual to actually come inside the building.   They would only have to drive down the street in a van and point some sort of instrument to read the meters.  My understanding is that these new meters have not yet been installed.


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