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Topics - Cizi1978

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Daycare center/childcare vouchers
« on: August 13, 2018, 09:30:20 AM »
Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows of any good daycares that accept children of all ages (I have a 16 month old and an almost 3 year old) and also accepts childcare vouchers?

Pets and Animals / Abandoned Cats
« on: December 05, 2017, 04:50:47 PM »
My mom lives in Woodside and one of her neighbors we evicted and left their 2 cats behind. They have been coming to my mom's door and she started feeding them and even put out a wooden box with blankets for them. Unfortunately she can't take them in because she already has dog and a very territorial cat. Now that winter is coming she really wants them indoors. Anyone know of any rescues or of anyone who could take them in?

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