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Messages - DelaneT

Pages: [1]
Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Stripping old radiators
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:23:41 PM »
That radiator does look remarkable considering that it was done by hand. I would think the less labor intensive way to clean an old radiator would be to take it out and have a company sandblast it. I'd then also have them paint it with a paint that won't discolor or flake because of the heat. But guessing that many radiators have been painted at least a half-dozen times, sandblasting would be the easiest way to strip them.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Old Jackson Heights Mansion To Be Torn Down
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:18:57 PM »
You think they could have saved the facade and built a school using it. I think it would have been quite beautiful and would have at least saved the look of the old mansion. It is a shame that they can tear historical and memorable buildings down so quickly. Hopefully, they hire architects that will build a pleasing looking school.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Coyotes at Elmjack
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:05:16 PM »
How do coyotes get in Manhattan? Do they swim or cross the bridge or have they always been there? I wouldn't worry about coyotes. They seem to keep to themselves and you only usually see them from far away like across a field.

I love that kitchen. It looks futuristic with the rounded edges and black accent at the top. The building's lobby is also beautiful. The 2BR loft in the schoolhouse building in Brooklyn is pretty neat too.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Window repair for the home.
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:50:03 PM »
If your windows are only 12 years old, then they are probably decent double pane windows. The only times I'd ever replace windows is if they are really old and single pane. I know my last house had windows on it that were 50 years old. They were drafty and never kept the heat or cold air from getting into the house.

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