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Messages - PG572

Pages: [1]
I live o 34th Ave, facing Open Streets. It has done nothing but cause more headaches...parking nightmares, trash, traffic, and everyone that has an opinion (especially those not for it) face backlash. Sorry, but open streets has not done anything to improve quality of life. Most days it's empty so I struggle to see the payoff. If you want to improve the quality of life in all of JH, look at 82ND ST. Pay attention to the areas outside of the Historic District.

As a long time JH resident, I am struggling with open streets, I love the outdoors and for many years, have jogged and walked in this area. I own a car, and park on the street like many others. I have seen this neighborhood change throughout the years, and the open streets program has not changed it for the better. It has caused a tremendous amount of traffic in the surrounding areas, more noise, trash on the road and more congestion (people and cars) in the area. There is a great outdoor space on 78 St. that is there to serve our outdoor needs. The sidewalks are quite large and there is plenty of room for everyone. I have been able to run outside with no issue prior to open streets. When kids go back to school and people actually commute back to work, what will be the need? I can guarantee the majority of walkers and people enjoying 34th Ave, don't actually live on 34th Ave. I do and I struggle with even trying to slowly drive on my street. I get dirty looks, cursed at for trying to park, and yelled at for driving. I was under the assumption this was a "shared road", so then share! If there is a driver on the road, we really just want to either park our car, or get out of 34th Ave, so we can sit in traffic elsewhere. I think the people walking and enjoying the street should be fair and see the other side as well. I don't see the benefit, if you want to walk there is plenty of space and there are parks throughout NYC. I don't really see a plan, a major street closed for people to walk? We have sidewalks for that. Metal barricades that block cars? Drivers have to get out and move them, fine, whatever, but sometimes there are 2 which is really obnoxious. For a shared road, it seems really one sided. It's dumb, I think it's pointless and don't see a long term benefit. I will gladly sign a petition for this not to continue. If you want to be eco friendly great, don't get a car, get a bicycle and follow the traffic rules, but don't judge or fault others for making the choice to have a vehicle. I guess DiBlasio will be making more of a mess than he already has by keeping this open.

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