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Messages - Meowtron

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And I enjoy the open space on 34th ave... totally different vibe than being crammed onto a small sidewalk. For those that think the solution is to build more parks, please build them first and please have those revolve around the upper 80’s to 90’s near 34th so we can have easy access near our footsteps instead of walking 10 blocks. Mb I’ll feel OS isn’t needed then.

Quick design Q on those that are claiming accessibility issues. Aren’t most accessibility ramps typically located on the side of the buildings anyways and not in the front where the streets are closed off? Also, the sidewalks are narrow and are actually not great here in JH so bring able to use the primarily smooth roads to walk/push a wheelchair is a blessing. Speaking from the POV of someone who has a fully disabled parent.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Any advise on how to get the vaccine?
« on: April 10, 2021, 05:54:25 PM »
We used and refreshed throughout the day to book our appointment. I’ve also heard of people who follow their Twitter and set their phones to get alerts about vaccine drops. Good Luck!!

^Definitely. When I mention input, I mean they should be addressing their concerns through these workshops. From there the DOT can decide what rationally needs to be addressed or what are just possibly only negative assumptions. (And yes, I have inputted feedback as to the benefits of the open streets and thoughts to any improvements that could be made).

All this attention to 34th Avenue is ridiculous, yes let's not have dog poop on 34th Avenue so it piles up everywhere else in the neighborhood.  Have never heard anything from DOT or our local politicians on the impact this will have on neighboring streets when more opens up in the city and traffic increases.  What is the solution for the heavy metal barriers, many elderly, disabled folks can't get out of the car to move them if they need to park or reach their home.  Delivery trucks in the middle make it dangerous to cross, since they block the view if a motor delivery bike is coming down the street.  There are so many things that need to be addressed beyond having the elderly play bingo in the street.

And these questions can be addressed if there’s enough input from the community especially from the elderly/disabled community. While the weight of the barriers can be an issue, in your example, how are the elderly/disabled getting into the cars if they are not able to get out? How often is this an actual problem? Was parking right by your building consistently even possible anyways pre-pandemic? Or did people have to park elsewhere anyways. I am curious to know how much is perception versus fact. And what is common sense or not. I’ve never experienced having my vision blocked so much by delivery trucks that I can’t peer around them to see what is going on. But then, maybe that is just my perception.

I live on 34th Avenue and am in support for open streets. As a possible permanent public space, there are definitely solutions to maintain quality and cleanliness that can found and employed that are currently in use in most of our public parks today.

Agreed that we can use more signage, better marked bicycle paths, a better and more frequent system to maintain cleanliness within and around the median. Perhaps, we can designate pedestrian only paths/safe zones to improve public safety. I’ve seen this implemented in other notable parks and it helps to keep pedestrians out of the bike path as well.

I think we should be able to have both the open streets and a fully functional community and senior center— keeping in mind that these buildings are realistically only a fraction of the size and space that the open street currently is. If anything, say if you live in the high 80’s/90’s and the centers are in the mid to low 70’s, it could be a journey to reach. At least, having both options will improve instead of deter accessibility in some ways. If senior citizens want to be close to home and play bingo right outside on the open streets rather than getting into a car going back and forth, they should have the option to do so.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 34th Avenue street closure permanently (NOT)
« on: August 18, 2020, 08:10:23 AM »
Definitely a bummer to lose 34th ave completely. The community should at least have it open on weekends and perhaps in the evening (5-8) on Fridays.

It’s a great asset to the community and allows children and adults to exercise and bike safely (for most part) down the median which is helpful for families that have no car.

Travers Park is great, but honestly too small and overcrowded for this community and that’s become more obvious as you see all the people using the median everyday.

Would love to see a study done on the increase in traffic on 35th ave to see how badly it gets affected. And how much is data versus perception.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Package thieves in JH buildings
« on: May 19, 2020, 07:26:15 AM »
This has happened to us as well, but thankfully just once. Our building has video surveillance so it’s more difficult for theft to happen. We didn’t report it, but others in our building have and thankfully they were able to catch the thieves.

Do you guys have video security? Also, the thieves may be getting inside by waiting for someone else to let them in or go through the door. Might be good to post a note of warning to others to watch for that.

Hi there!

I also recently lived in Astoria and moved down to JH. The reason is to purchase, not to rent!
Things I like quite a lot are the local farmers market, how beautiful 34/35th ave is in the spring/summer/fall, the amazing access to Hispanic and Asian food, the neighborly feel. The prices here are definitely more reasonable and you can eat out for a decent price. You will want to live closer within walking distance to a train station. I live around 82nd street which is great, though it builds a little extra time onto the commute.

One big bonus for me is that if you are into Asian food, is that you can walk to elmhurst (15-20 minutes) and also it’ll only take around 15 minutes to get to Flushing which has so many things! It was a slog to get there from Astoria.

The cons are: you’ll want an apartment on a side street or facing away from the street as it can be noisy, Roosevelt Avenue can be meh, there are no good Irish bars/American food spots here. if you live further away from the train, you’ll need to take a bus which can get congested. The gym situation is dire.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Crossfit or boot camp in the neighborhood?
« on: January 18, 2020, 09:06:06 AM »
Curious why there isn’t a slightly nicer gym already. Clearly blink is doing well. There’s a crowd here that will pay slightly higher prices to get a gym that is less crowded and clean.

Currently I just go to blink in Manhattan and bodhi in flushing (weekends). Though club fitness in Astoria will always have a place in my heart.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Q49 bus to be eliminated
« on: January 01, 2020, 02:32:33 PM »
It’s super tricky... would love to maintain some semblance of the Q49 for sure (at least horizontally to 74th street), but perhaps with less stops and stops concentrated on blocks furthest from the train like 85th, 93rd/94th, 78th.

I do like the service to elmhurst though. It makes it easier to get to queens center mall which is tougher for people out in the mid 80’s. (Always a long walk and transfer or a bus and a transfer)

Restaurants & Food / Re: Who loves Banh Mi?
« on: November 24, 2019, 09:32:51 AM »
Oh yeah... for sure! I’m down for Banh Mi especially if the ambiance is nice! Craft beer or even just beer/small appetizers would be a huge plus!

Restaurants & Food / Re: Quick question - Tofu
« on: November 04, 2019, 09:19:11 PM »
Downtown Natural Market carries Tofu from what I’ve seen.

Would love a target here... I grew up nearby with the target in Elmhurst and it was great! One within walking distance will save time plus there are plenty of brands I can buy that the local stores here don’t carry. I don’t expect this to happen, but if it brings a touch more safety and cleanliness to Roosevelt, it wouldn’t be the worst thing.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: 90th street area?
« on: April 17, 2019, 09:12:01 PM »
Hum... thanks for all the insight! Will need to do a night tour there at some point to test out my commute back.

Any insight to the Northridge Cooperative btw? I’m reading a mixed bag of reviews, but a lot of them are old.


Real Estate & Home Improvement / 90th street area?
« on: April 16, 2019, 07:41:25 PM »
Hi hi,

So we are currently actively looking to purchase a 2 bedroom/jr 4 around Jackson Heights. We noticed a lot of units going for sale in the 92nd street area/35th ave and are quite curious as they are the few affordable ones left.

How is the area there? Is it safe? We work a bit on the late end and I would love not to have to worry about my walk home. Also, possibly thinking of starting up a family in 2-3 years.

Long time queens resident so a little grit doesn’t scare me, but would love to get some opinions from locals! Thanks....

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