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Messages - Sky23

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Legends Bar & Grill
« on: May 17, 2019, 02:48:07 PM »
I was driving home from the BQE and saw a sign outside this establishment that the smoker is back online. Has anyone ever tried their bbq? I’m excited to visit this place but I’m curious if anyone has recently tried this placed out.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Jax Hts Starbucks closed by NYC Health Dept
« on: November 20, 2018, 09:17:37 PM »
I hope they can open soon. Not going to lie, their mobile ordering option saves me a couple of needed minutes in the morning. As far as Dunkin Vs Starbucks, it’s not even a competition. Even if Starbucks exports all its profits out of state, it’s still pays its employees a decent wage with benefits. Dunkin Donuts franchises in NYC are owned by a select few families who pocket most of the profits while hiring minimum wage employees.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Work commencing on Diversity Plaza
« on: March 29, 2018, 01:47:18 PM »
Exactly. We do have in the area a great amount of people from different parts of the world but that does not mean we have to adopt their sanitation standards. The fifth that is allowed to flourish around 73rd and 74th Street would not be allowed in many parts of the United States. Those three food carts are only adding to the problem.

In my opinion, those three food carts are not the problem. They are business owners who unfortunately cater to people who could care less about the cleanliness of their surroundings. What if we just provided more garbage cans, more signs in different languages about proper trash disposal, and maybe finally giving out tickets for littering in public plazas?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Work commencing on Diversity Plaza
« on: March 29, 2018, 09:14:57 AM »
Public plazas work only if you have civilized citizens that use the tables and clean up after themselves.
Racist troll is racist.

Facts can't be racist. Civilized citizens aren't a certain race but some cultures don't care about environmental consciousness as much as others.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Is a tip expected when picking up food?
« on: December 29, 2017, 04:13:17 PM »
No, a tip is not expected for pick up orders. If you're feeling generous and want to make someone smile then go for it!


I had to leave espresso 77 without a coffee because I didn't have cash on me. ... Isnt $4 way more than enough to cover that small transaction fee?

Same here, I stopped going there after this happened twice. They have over priced coffee for the area and its nothing to rave about. I regret donating money for them to expand.


Neighborhood Chat / Re: Anything better then time Warner internet?
« on: December 29, 2017, 03:51:39 PM »
Verizon came to my building earlier this year and switch over from Spectrum (Formerly TWC). Spectrum had a monopoly on my building and provided slow internet access. The last straw was when I couldn't order HBO right away on my cable box for game of thrones, after a 20 minute wait they told me I would have to wait 24 hours to watch it.

Anyway, try to see if RCN is in your building as they provide a great internet service for a cheap price. Verizon is another alternative.

If you're stuck with spectrum but want a cheaper price just cancel your subscription by saying you're moving away. You will have to return the modem and cable box to a local Spectrum office (there's one in Queens Center Mall). Once there you can set up a new account for yourself with a great price or you can call Spectrum and set up the new account over the phone. If you're living with someone you can put the new account under their name if it makes you feel better.

I know it sound ridiculous but this saved me over a thousand dollars in 10+ years. Don't let these companies push you around charging ridiculous prices.

Since we're talking about coffee, I had to leave espresso 77 without a coffee because I didn't have cash on me. Why is there $10 minimum when you charge manhattan prices in queens? Isnt $4 way more than enough to cover that small transaction fee?

I agree with JD, the feedings just lead to a dirty environment, why is that so hard to understand?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« on: August 06, 2016, 01:19:02 PM »
This is getting ridiculous, living on the 6th floor I can feel the sound waves! Isn't this extreme noise a a lawsuit waiting to happen? I complained numerous times but I doubt that does anything. We need to do something about this..

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