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Messages - teelp617

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Re: Al-Araf at 76th and 37th Ave closed?
« on: July 30, 2018, 01:42:47 AM »
It's going to be an Indonesian restaurant.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Best Mexican Restaurants and Eateries
« on: May 02, 2018, 02:24:34 PM »
That may be the case, but it's against their contract with Seamless. If they want to avoid the charges, they can remove themselves from Seamless rather than screwing their customers, no?

From their site:
How is the menu pricing determined?
The restaurants are contractually required to offer the same prices as they provide on their printed delivery menus. If for any reason you believe the prices you see on Seamless are not consistent, please notify us at and we’ll reach out to the restaurant to make it right.

As a customer of seamless and manager of a restaurant that uses it, I understand both sides. Seamless charges restaurant 17.5 - 25% commission of the total order- which is a high percentage given that many restaurants run on slim profits. Plus, its almost impossible to not be on these platforms; the restaurant will definitely lose customers because of the ease of use and customers will just order from another restaurant. Kind of a catch-22.

If I remember correctly, seamless used to charge around 10-12 percent way back. After they bought out grubhub, DiningIn, allmenu (so they can post their seamless version of the phone number instead of the actual resturants on the site), they kicked up the percentage. They recently bought out eat24 as well, so the commission they take might go up even more. Plus, they create websites with the restaurants name, with the grubhub's phone number, so that if people google the restaurant they're likely to click on the grubhub made restaurant website. Definitely increases business though, but calling in would be the best way to support the local restaurants and to keep it personal :)

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