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Messages - linette

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A sweet family-friendly fundraiser benefitting two local organizations serving our immigrant population: NICE (New Immigrant Community Empowerment) and Chhaya CDC
When: Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20, 10 am – 3 pm
Where: Travers Park Play Street (78th between 34th Ave. and Northern Blvd.)
What: Baked goods, savory treats, arts-n-awareness activities
Who: Everyone! Especially the youngest members of our Jackson Heights community, a powerful force for positive change

Restaurants & Food / Re: Great Salads???
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:52:03 PM »
I think the Jax Inn has a bunch of salad options. The side salad that comes w/the entrees is nice, haven't yet tried any of the others.

Restaurants & Food / Re: The original American Chicken on 37th and 78th
« on: August 04, 2011, 11:53:51 AM »
I'm a big fan. I'm actually ok with the chicken not being too spicy since my kids like it as is--I add the excellent green sauce for more spice on my own.

Also, your staff is always very friendly and helpful.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Good bars in the neighborhood
« on: May 25, 2011, 09:53:27 AM »
I like Terraza 7 Train Café (40-19 Gleane St., which is just south of Roosevelt around 83rd? Street). Very tiny/casual--they have live music, nice vibe.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Exploring Nearby Areas
« on: November 09, 2010, 09:13:36 PM »
Chuckster, I just looked at a map to rectify my previous laziness--the huge cemetery I mentioned, off Greenpoint Ave. right before you cross over to Brooklyn, is called Calvary Cemetery. (There are several large cemeteries right in that area.)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights bookstore
« on: October 29, 2010, 03:21:07 PM »
I believe there was a small Spanish-language bookstore on 37th (around 81st) when I first moved to JH; it's probably been about 5 years since it closed.

I tried to order from Family last night and their telephone was disconnected  :(

on the plus side I ordered instead from Mehfil, which I hadn't done in a while, and the food was terrific! a chicken biryani (some kind of extra-fancy house special w/almonds, the name of which is now escaping me), onion kulcha, and mago lassi all were great.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Presentation: Is Jackson Heights Sustainable?
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:40:38 AM »
Seems to me that the high commercial rents actually deter gentrification--the usual pattern is that small "gentry"-friendly independent businesses like storefront galleries, bistros, hipster boutiques. etc. spring up where commercial space is affordable, which draws in the gentry, which ultimately attracts the gap and the b&n who then push out the earlier round of indie shops. Here, that early stage of gentrification can't get rolling because rents are so high, and upscale chain retailers aren't going to come in w/out that base having already been established. Meanwhile the butcher and shoemaker are being pushed out for--more banks and drugstores? not exactly what most people mean by gentrification.

If you're looking for an upscale, Manhattan-style experience, I think Uncle Peter's might be your closest approximation. The exterior is deceptively forbidding--the interior is actually very attractive/cozy and the food is tasty.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:47:00 PM »
It does seem most projects are for special interests of people with kids or dogs.

Most community projects are the result of a few dedicated people putting in a lot of hard work. I'm a parent myself, and I'd love to see more benches; maybe you could adopt that as your own special project, pipman?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« on: July 02, 2010, 09:02:53 AM »
I remember that when I first moved to JH, the building on 37th and 82nd or so (the "Palace" that everyone loves to hate) was pointed out to me as a great example of successful community action; that originally a modern-style building had been planned for the site, but through community action a "contextual, appropriate" design was substituted.... what this thread (and this board in general!) demonstrates abundantly is that each of us has very different ideas of "appropriate"...

and another flea market on 81st, from 9am to 4pm tomorrow the 15th:

The Renaissance Charter School
35-59 81st Street
(next door to the public library)

Restaurants & Food / Re: Sandwiches and/or salads
« on: May 03, 2010, 03:25:31 PM »
I second the recommendation for Canelle sandwiches--I recently had a smoked salmon salad sandwich there that was incredible--deliciously rich and mayonnaissey.

Is Cassidy's a restaurant/pub similar to Donovan's, where you could bring the kids at lunchtime? or is it really more of a bar that happens to serve food--ie, best to leave the kids at home?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Neighborhood empty storefronts
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:47:26 AM »
But in many cases these businesses weren't struggling until the landlords decided to jack up the rents--that does seem to be peculiar to our neighborhood. The concept of supply/demand breaks down when landlords don't care that there's no demand at the prices they are asking, and are willing to leave spaces open for years on end.

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