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Messages - specanha

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« on: March 27, 2019, 12:19:19 PM »
From Jackson Heights Green Alliance, I'll be there and will bring my family. Please come along if you can:

Join us on Saturday March 30th at 11AM in Travers Park for a rally to keep Travers Park safe.

A new car dealership, Koeppel Mazda, recently opened at the corner of 78th Street and Northern Blvd and it built a car service entrance on 78th Street where Travers Park is to be expanded. We have been informed that this car service entrance is going to prevent the NYC Department of Parks from giving the Jackson Heights community the car-free park redesign that you were promised.

The plans below clearly show the new park extending all of the way to Northern Boulevard, creating a safe space for our children that would be free of motor vehicles.

Since the car dealership opened, we now have a constant flow of traffic on the street, quite often driving into the park to perform u-turns, showing complete disregard for the safety of everyone who uses the space.

As the community group that worked most closely with the Jackson Heights community to create this space we have repeatedly heard how important it is for us to have a completely car-free environment in our park. This failure by the city to fulfill that promise is unacceptable to us.

Join us this Saturday and let Koeppel know that we want to keep Travers Park Safe!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Improving Safety on Northern Boulevard
« on: October 15, 2018, 10:41:46 AM »
Just a reminder that there will be a Northern Blvd Safety Improvement Workshop TODAY from 6:30 -8:30pm at Louis Armstrong Middle School. It's our chance to give input in person and change the face of that street.

Here's a link to add your feedback about Northern Blvd:

Neighborhood Chat / Workshop and link for improvements on Northern Blvd
« on: October 10, 2018, 02:38:06 PM »
Join the New York City Department of Transportation to discuss safety improvements on Northern Blvd in Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst (68 St to 114 St) at a public workshop on Monday October 15, 2018.

Here's a link to add your feedback online:

Date: Monday October 15, 2018
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Louis Armstrong Middle School, 32-02 Junction Blvd (Accessible via MTA Q72 and Q66)

I say: BRT bus service and green medium all along Northern! What do you say?

There will be other feedback events in LIC on Oct 29, and Woodside on Oct. 22. More info here:

Just to bring this to the top. This is tonight. If you'd like to see better bike infrastructure and give your input on how a bike network could be laid out in our area, you want to be in this meeting.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« on: April 23, 2018, 10:31:10 PM »
hi, taylj052
I encourage you to look into our problem of park access. There are not enough parks in Jackson Heights/East Elmhurst areas. Maybe you can find creative solutions to improve and increase green urban space.

As for bike lanes, Roosevelt Ave. is a complicated issue and I think it's highly unlikely that either the DOT would propose or the community board would approve a bike lane there. I second Miss Marty's alternatives, if proposing bike lanes is an issue that's close to your heart.

NYC DOT has come up with the following bike lanes projects, in part as a response to the community's request to improve park access:

They are a small improvement, but not enough.

One interesting problem would be to somehow create a protected bike lane on 31st avenue. But it's not easy, the street is not wide enough to accommodate current protected bike lane standards and removing too many parking spaces would kill the bike lane in the community board. So, good luck with that. But, hey, this the kind of problem you're signing up for.

Another interesting problem to solve is how to improve awareness and access to Flushing Bay Promenade. It is a decent, yet neglected, 1. 3 promenade by Flushing Bay, near LGA. It is not well known and not used often enough by the community, because access to it is difficult.

On the link that I shared above, the DOT outlined a clear bike route that takes people to the promenade. The problem is that none of those bike lanes are protected and some are shared lanes. Many unexperienced riders could get confused by the pavement markings or would be afraid of riding in shared lanes (even though these routes are mostly along fairly calm streets).

Finally, I would suggest that you consider working on a cheap wayfinding solution that can help people get oriented within these routes. Ideally something that could be stenciled on the pavement.

Good luck.

This is a lovely idea. It will face challenge for taking a park space away. But I'd vote for it, if there was a vote. My personal dream is to connect the plots in Laguardia Landing Lights and get the city to spend some money landscaping it.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« on: July 26, 2016, 03:37:19 PM »
I prefer 6 am on Saturday's, bc it helps me get the most of my weekend.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: NYC Parks Survey
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:49:11 PM »
I think it's good because it's too large to walk. I agree that it needs the infrastructure that you're mentioning and that the lack of this infrastructure makes it less than ideal. We're trying to work on that. (I'm with the Queens Bike Initiative group you may have seen posted here in the forum, for the bike lanes connecting parks.)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: NYC Parks Survey
« on: July 07, 2016, 01:56:44 PM »
It's actually a decent park to ride the bike, but I agree it all needs a lot of work. It also has a lot of potential.

A conservancy was finally formed last year. It's expected to receive $350,000/year in the next three years, then $200,000/year in the following from the tennis center. But I think it's having a bit of trouble. One council member is suing De Blasio over it:

There is also this conservancy, but I'm not sure that it's the same thing the mayor announced last year. Anyone knows?

Finally, it's disheartening that $200,000/year is all we're getting from the tennis center. The four finalists of the US Open, women and men, winner and loser, combined receive $10 million. The massive stadium that they build was $550 million:

$200,000 is all we're getting for rent (people about 10% of that to rent a small apartment per year)...

It's also disconcerting that the boro president is willing to spend $43 million the NY State Pavilion, while FMCP is in disrepair. As far as I'm concerned, she could demolish what's left of it for a fraction of that, and spend the rest to make the park look nice. (For perspective, Central Park has a $65 million annual budget.)

Even tho I like the proposal of Jackson Heights-own McIntyre family here...


Neighborhood Chat / NYC Parks Survey
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:56:18 PM »
Imagine if every park in New York City was as well kept as Central Park or Brooklyn Bridge Park... Take a minute to fill up this survey about parks in NYC:

Hopefully if more of us fill it in, it give Queens a louder voice. I know, I'm a dreamer... :-)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:22:39 PM »
I believe this is the link to the preliminary study map:

If I'm getting this right, they are claiming that the area affected won't change much. But I didn't have time to look closely.

This will be fun:

The Jackson Heights Green Alliance is delighted to bring you a day of Jackson Heights fun on Saturday June 25th, starting around 1PM and going through until 8PM. We have partnered with the Queens Museum to bring these events to the 78th Street Plaza, as part of a Plaza Stroll Day. The 78th Street Plaza is a public plaza on 78th Street between Northern Boulevard and 34th Avenue. It is overseen by the Jackson Heights Green Alliance in partnership with the NYC DoT.

This Saturday there will be various community groups and city organizations explaining what they are doing, how they can help you, and how you can get involved if you wish.

Queens Bike Initiative
LGBT Network
Queens Film Festival
Council Member Daniel Dromm's Office
Jackson Heights Parents for Public Schools
New York City Department of Consumer Affairs
There will be several food trucks present all day, offering some local exciting dishes.

At 4PM, local artist Deborah Wasserman will be hosting a free art workshop focusing on community, for kids and adults.
Finally, there will be music! Starting at 5PM we will have two bands playing. First up is Kominas, a Pakistani-American punk bank, followed by Jackson Height’s own Sonic Power Pops!

More info:

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:46:20 PM »
You can join their mailing list to receive project updates:

Here more info about what kind of stuff you will be getting if you join the mailing list:

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:02:42 AM »
I message I just got re: this noise study:

"Thank you for your interest in the 14 CFR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study for LGA  Airport. Information about the progress of this study can be found on the project’s website. We encourage you to visit this site periodically for all updates and announcements:
Presentations and notes from the LGA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings are posted to the project’s website under its document section:
The June 21, 2016 LGA TAC meeting presentation, which includes the airport’s draft Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs), will be posted to the website by early next week. Please check the site then to view this document."

This is their email

NY Part 150 Studies
Aviation Noise Office
The Port Authority of NY & NJ

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