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Messages - 35th ave resident

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Re: An end of a Pizza Era?
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:17:04 PM »
I'm sorry , but I'm confused. The add says yearly expenses are 59,000. That works out to 5000 per month.  The expenses should include the rent, salaries, gas, electric, insurance, taxes, food, permits, license, health dept, workmans comp, ect,etc.   Even if it's a one man operation, he has to be paid at least a grand a week. That leaves a grand per month for all the other expenses? What could his rent be? Those numbers don't sound possible

Restaurants & Food / Re: An end of a Pizza Era?
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:37:24 PM »
Hi all, I'm new to JH, and so far I'm loving it:)  I had a question about the yearly expenses for this location. The agent says 59000 per year. That comes out to 5000 per month. The rent must be really cheap if that includes salaries, rent, electricity, insurance, taxes, food costs, water, and all the other bills. Can the rent really be that low?

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