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Messages - kiko

Pages: [1] 2
Neighborhood Chat / Women's Health Project in Ethiopia
« on: September 29, 2010, 03:48:27 PM »
Hello.  My name is Sara Forrest and I have been a JH resident for over approximately three years. :)

I am going to be embarking on a month long trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and surrounding territories this November with Salaam Garage, an organization dedicated to social change through photojournalism, to create a photo documentary examining the role of survivors of obstetric fistula on communities in rural areas of Ethiopia.    Upon my return, I will be speaking about fistula within the NYC community and exhibiting the work.  I am currently seeking organizations, clubs and/or galleries in Jackson Heights to exhibit the work and/or speak to about maternal health problems in Africa.  A fistula is a hole in the bladder and/or anus resulting from prolonged childbirth with no medical care.  Usually resulting in the mother delivering a stillborn after a week long labor.  She is left incontinent of urine and/or feces 24/7.  She is shunned by her village, husband and family.  She often contemplates suicide, thinking there is no hope for her recovery.

During my stay, I will be working closely with the Hamlin Fistula Hospitals as well as the non-profit Hamlin Fistula International to gain access to patients that have been able to make it to one of their six fistula centers in Ethiopia to receive treatment.   The purpose of the project is to help raise awareness of this issue plaguing millions of impoverished women worldwide.   My focus will be on prevention efforts by examining the role the survivor plays in helping educate other women and their villages on family planning.  The safe motherhood message that cured patients pass onto their families and villagers is essential to breaking the stigma that fistula carries in African nations.  I will also be working with one of the producers of the Emmy Award winning NOVA documentary on obstetric fistula in Ethiopia, “A Walk to Beautiful” (which you can watch online for free at in Mekelle, Ethiopia.  We will be examining the difficulties of reintegration back into their villages that many survivors continue to face.

I have a goal of raising 2,000 for the project.   Pledges and more information and links about fistula and the project in general can be made at my fundraising website at:

My personal photographic interests lie in women’s health and poverty issues.  My most recent non-profit project was done as a prelude to this journey and is focused around women refugees (from Sudan, Somalia, Burundi, etc.) and their families who run an urban farm in Kansas City, KS.  The program is called “New Roots for Refugees” and a gallery and artist’s statement can be found under PERSONAL at:

Many thanks in advance for your time and consideration,

Pets and Animals / Re: Unsanitary pet owner
« on: May 19, 2010, 07:26:04 AM »
Awful.  Someone should type up a note and put it on the wall requesting that the behavior stop immediately.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Any Saab mechanic reccomendations?
« on: February 24, 2010, 08:16:10 PM »
Thanks everyone. I'll keep looking!!

Neighborhood Chat / Any Saab mechanic reccomendations?
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:03:21 AM »

If anyone knows of any shops or mechanics specifically that work on Saabs in the area could you please let me know? 

Many thanks! :)

Queenskid - if you would like to participate I would love to speak with you.  Please let me know!  You can send me a message if that is easiest and we can go from there.  Best, S

Hello everyone.  Thank you for the kind responses.  My name is Sara Forrest and my website is

There is a personal section on there, but nothing really represents the kind of project that I am looking to do here.

I am seeking people who have been in the neighborhood for 40+ years.   Specifically individuals with some character who wouldn't mind being photographed in their homes.   Each portrait will take around an hour.  If you would like to participate or know of individuals who would be great candidates I would really appreciate the response.  I can also be reached at 

Cheers! :)

Hello, I am a professional photographer who has call JH home for a little under two years.  I am seeking residents of JH who have resided here for 40+ years to profile for a personal project.  If you know of anyone in your building or would be willing to help out please send me a reply and I will respond with more information.  Thank you! :)

Pets and Animals / Pet Sitter
« on: September 14, 2009, 10:44:27 AM »
Hello, does anyone know of a bird sitter in the JH area?  Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Trash in JH
« on: July 31, 2009, 11:03:35 PM »
when i see people litter i pick it up and give it back to them. i see some pretty funny faces too.  geez, they drive me nuts.  i see it almost on a daily basis. i could give a #$%* about "standards of cleanliness," what an excuse.  people know better.  they're just being lazy and rude.  period.  maybe we need some signs in the hood. 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Help me bring zipcars to JH
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:22:09 AM »
Done. ;)

I saw this man last week at Central Park.  It was chilly out.  Too cold to have a tropical bird outdoors. His poor African Gray Parrot looked miserable. It was obviously plucking it's feathers....b/c of mental stress I assume...and who would blame it?  I don't mind folks like him wandering the streets, making pets do stupid tricks for tourists, but when an animal is clearly suffering, it makes me angry and sad.  Especially b/c these birds are highly intelligent.  Not to mention the awful outfit he had it dressed up in.  :-\  I'm sorry, I know a lot of people probably like him...I'm sure he's a sweet guy...I just can't stand to see animals clearly being used for others amusement in such blatant distress . 


(moderator merged this post with thread on same topic)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Stolen Mail Packages. Anyone else?
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:03:22 PM »
The USPS usually does not knock on my door/buzz me either.  I often only get one mailbox notice as well.  Annoying.  Especially when you are forced to spend 3 hours in line at the living nightmare that is the Post Office on 37th Ave. ;)

Yes, I am interested.  When you have the details would you mind posting them please?  Thanks!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Reminder to be Safe
« on: November 07, 2008, 09:46:30 PM »
I hope not either.  I guess as long as everyone keeps well informed then maybe residents can stay safer / more aware.  That was really the only reason I posted.  Just to make sure everyone is aware that these unfortunate things do happen.  btw: I don't think that they fully identified the three men, but his building's camera caught them on tape somewhat. He just walked his friend home who lived three blocks away. They got him when he was walking into his building.  Just ridiculous.   Take care...

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