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Messages - mortmain

Pages: [1]
Rookie question: what does it mean to have a "unionized staff"?

WOW, amj, and thanks all contributors!  I'm trying to make a map on Google! 

SO-O-O-O glad to have found this forum!  Whether or not I land in JH, I appreciate that you all constitute an 'advance guard' community for those considering the neighborhood.

Suffering from sticker shock :D while completing house sale in Central PA and entering this new world of real estate and a new life style all together.  Still, compared to some area neighborhoods, prices seem reasonable and JH seems lively.

We are looking for easy Express metro access, elevator bldg in case stairs become unmanageable, 2BR, sun and quiet --- an initial short list.  I try to check NYT listings frequently, also certain Realtor listings.  Are there resources I am neglecting?  Is it best to enlist help of an area agent?

Thanks again everyone!

Thanks, amj!  I'll try to catch that garden tour.

Do you know if there is a list that tells you which buildings offer which amenities, such as the garden access, co-op or condo status, elevator, etc. you mention?  Or should one just go directly to a realtor with a list of preferred attributes?  It strikes me this could be an interesting project and a useful guide.  Maybe I'll do it myself!

By the way, I went to an Open House over the weekend hosted by MPC properties, and they gave out a brochure called Garden City Trail that had a useful map of Jackson Heights with historical information about buildings. 

Thank you for the tip, this is very helpful to me!!

I'm new to NY, and am beginning to look for something to buy.  So many ads list building names but not street addresses.  Have searched the web unsuccessfully for this information and am getting frustrated.  Can anyone help me out?

I'd be so grateful!!!

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