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Messages - Tiller

Pages: [1] 2
Crate and Barrel leather sofabed, excellent condition, $1,000
Full size
Very comfortable

You must transport (I can help carry it out of apartment)

Email me at

Crate and Barrel leather sofabed, excellent condition, $1,000
Full size
Very comfortable

I can send a photo (had trouble uploading it here)

You must transport (I can help carry it out of apartment)

Email me at

Brand new TD-11 in perfect condition, hardly used
Roland set-up instructions and cd, some of the original boxes if you'd like

Pearl bass pedal, brand new, with case

Auralex PlatFoam and plywood for sound insulation

All you need for apartment set up

I bought these just a few months ago and am now moving
Worth $1200, yours for $800

Cash only

Available for pickup

Call or text 718-506-8572

Neighborhood Chat / Re: What would you like to see open in JH?
« on: May 04, 2014, 11:27:49 PM »
Anybody know what's going on with Blink? I've been waiting patiently, I like their gyms and we need one badly.

Restaurants & Food / Lali Guras closed
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:28:06 AM »
Lali Guras was the small Tibetan restaurant on 76th St. at 37th Rd.  I liked it, but they recently got a C from the Health Dept and now they're gone and a new South Indian restaurant has moved in.  Anyone know if LG moved or shut down?  I assume the former, as there's no sign indicating a change of address...

Restaurants & Food / Re: Bakery Recommendations?
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:48:39 PM »
Go to Lety's at 77th and 37th! We should support her all we of the best businesses in the neighborhood, and a fabulous bakery.

I love this neighborhood but two things (not including green space, which would be amazing--we'd need a 21st century Olmstead to make that happen, I guess) would vastly improve my quality of life here, in this order: 1) a New York Sports Club; 2) a food coop.  Neither would have any competition, so I'd think they'd succeed, but who knows...running a business is so hard.

I'm sure these aren't what you're thinking about, and I totally agree more small locally-owned businesses of all kinds in the neighborhood would be great.  I'm sorry (but not surprised) to hear how difficult the landlords make this, and wish you success in pursuing your dream.

Restaurants & Food / Good restaurant with small room for private party
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:42:09 PM »
Hi all, I'm interested in hosting a gathering of about 10 people in at an excellent local restaurant.  The ideal setting would be one where we can have a room to ourselves...though it's a party, we also need quiet for some speaking.  Thing is, it's a Saturday night though it's a ways away so there should be time to make a reservation.  Any cuisine is fine as long as it's a good restaurant.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Is there any interest in Taichi?
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:59:14 AM »
How much will it cost?

Restaurants & Food / Re: Ambassador Dinner at Kebab King
« on: August 13, 2010, 02:26:20 PM »
Total self-interest speaking here...but given all the others on this list sad at the lack of a decent gym in Jackson Heights, I think it's not just me...if you think it's a good idea, please pass the owner of the Eagle a note saying--how about a New York Sports Club in that space?  Would help keep our amazing neighborhood healthy, and given it's right next to the subway stop, NYSC might consider it a terrific location.  Of course, I realize you're not attending this event in order to lobby for anything, but to enjoy and participate in our neighborhood's cultural life, I totally get that.  Enjoy!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Running routes in Jackson Heights
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:25:30 AM »
Thanks for both route suggestions--north and south!  I'll give them a try (sounds like north is somewhat safer traffic-wise)...

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Running routes in Jackson Heights
« on: August 10, 2010, 10:29:19 PM »
Marcus, could you be more specific in suggesting a route, say from 35th ave in the 70s, and say approx 5 miles?  Thanks!

Neighborhood Chat / Motorcycles
« on: August 16, 2009, 08:36:41 AM »
Any local motorcyclists on the list?  I just got my license, wondering if there are good dealers (incl used bikes)  in the neighborhood, if it's safe to park on the street, and of course the big q--if it's safe to drive around here...

Neighborhood Chat / Congrats on Zipcar--now time for NYSC!
« on: August 16, 2009, 08:33:13 AM »
Congratulations to everyone who worked on bringing Zipcar to our nabe--this is huge.

Let's aim our next campaign at bringing do we do this?  Are people interested?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: I wish Jackson Heights Had a ......
« on: July 25, 2009, 05:23:27 PM »
More green space (will never happen...)

Less noise (unlikely...)

A New York Sports Club (maybe????)

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