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Messages - chifa_restaurant

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Restaurants & Food / Re: Chifa Restaurant - new Peruvian / Asian fusion
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:48:04 PM »
Hi everyone. Please let me start saying that I have read all commends and heard everyone here. I know that we might have some problem running this business because we just opened in less than a month and the business has increased more than 100% percent every week. I really mean 100% because we used to get 40 kitchen tickets in our first week and now we get over 140 orders of all sizes every day (weekends even more). We might not have many sit in customers during the weekday, but we are filled up with takeouts and deliveries.

But please let us assured you that this is not our maximum potential. We were just not ready for this sudden high increase. We are already working to have our dishes ready as soon as possible. We started with one main chef and then we had two chef last week. Now we are adding one more to speed it up.

OUR DISHES ARE COOKED WHEN ORDERED. Even the chicken in our chicken noodles are fried when they are ordered. (That is why we recommend to everyone that CHIFA are mean to be eaten here right when they are prepared. Take out might remove some of its quality, and only the flavor would stay.)

Regarding the unhappy customers here that posted a whole essay to point out our weakness, please let me mention that we are not Red Lobster, or Peter Luger. We do family style dining. Our customers comes here to feel like home and eat a food that they can give to their kids. Our waiters are trained to treat every customers with a smile and warm welcome. Our customers like us because our restaurant doesn't have that pressure that you get while dinning on one of those high class restaurants. Customers can joke with us and have a little chat. Ours rotisserie chicken are very fresh and tasty. I don't believe we would serve a chicken that is not up to our standards, but we will believe that he is not lying and We will try to do better next time.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Pio Pio
« on: August 04, 2010, 04:26:22 PM »
Hi, Thank you for the opinion. We really love to see happy customers. I'm not sure why you didn't like our green sauce since they are a recipe from a popular Peruvian restaurant in Lima Peru. My opinion is that we might have served you our orange sauce instead of our green sauce.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Chifa Restaurant - new Peruvian / Asian fusion
« on: August 04, 2010, 04:21:43 PM »
Of course we do. We deliver everywhere.  :D ;D Our chicken are very good, but we are famous because of our chifa food. (which is a fusion of the peruvian cuisine with chinese heritages.) Try the Chicken ChijauKay, or the kamlu wantan, or maybe the tai pa which are really popular. Or maybe a Tallarin Noodle (which is very different than the noodles you usually eat at chinese place). We also have bubble teas here (mango green tea is highly recommended)


Restaurants & Food / Re: Pio Pio
« on: July 21, 2010, 01:35:45 PM »
Hi, everyone. I would like to explain the secret behind their green sauce. First it is not even a secret ingredient, at least not in Peru. Restaurants in Peru have been using this sauce for centuries already. Pio Pio's sauce are not anything more special than what Peru offers, it is just that some of the ingredients are not sold or hard to get here in NY. There are plenty of places to buy them in NJ Patterson. I think the key to the special flavor is the Huacatay. Make sure to buy them fresh and not frozen it won't take the same.

You can also always come to CHIFA Restaurant to get some of this sauce. :-)

Thank you so much everyone. I was told about this website by a customer. I'm amazed to find that someone helped us post an article about us on this forum. Thank you so much. You deserve a free cup of one of our famous bubble tea. Let me know who you are the next time you stop by.

We really need people like you to help spread the world. Thanks You.

PS. Our rotisserie chicken is not like others. We use a very special recipes  to make it more juicy and less oil. The good thing is, our chicken have plenty of flavor, but will not leave a bad smell afterward. (I remember eating pio pio on my car and the chicken smell was still there for 3 days). That problem won't happen with ours.

Anyway, I'm posting some pictures of our store so everyone interested can get an ideal of what to expect.

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