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Messages - Jdr2128

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Local gyms, health clubs, exercise spots
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:39:39 PM »
FN zona EFN ZONA 78-14 Roosevelt Ave. JH .... Tome negocio a otra parte. Yo paidn $ 300,00 para el acceso de 24 horas. Ahora bien, los horarios establecidos 6-8??? ¿Quién puede ir? El cebo y el interruptor. Sólo dio un aviso de semana??? ¿Quién va a administrar este agujero? No hay suficientes bancos de pesas libres! Camino lleno de gente! Lockerooms son desagradables! Voy a presentar una queja con el Better Business Bureau hoy! Las prácticas comerciales inaceptables! Mantente alejado!!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Local gyms, health clubs, exercise spots
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:29:19 PM »
No pharmacy. It's above a music store and a clothing store across from the tattoo poor on Roosevelt. Thanks for the info! Have a great day:) whatever you do don't join. Robbery!!!!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Local gyms, health clubs, exercise spots
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:11:50 PM »
EFN zone

EFN ZONE    Roosevelt Ave 78-14 JH.... Take business elsewhere. I paidn$300.00 for 24 hour access. Now the established hours 6-8!?!??! Who can go then? Bait and switch. They only gave 1 weeks notice!?!?? Who is managing this hole!?

Not enough free weight benches!!! Way over crowded! Lockerooms are nasty!

I will be filing a complaint with the better business bureau today! Unacceptable business practice!


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