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Messages - NYCGori

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Willo Barber Shop on 84th St. Near 37th Ave.
« on: July 11, 2009, 06:31:52 PM »
Please let us know what you find out, Madelyn.  If you decide to organize a group, I'm in.  I'll keep an eye on this board.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Willo Barber Shop on 84th St. Near 37th Ave.
« on: July 10, 2009, 09:14:33 PM »
There were a number of police officers and two police vehicles at the barbershop this evening around 7:30 pm; anyone know what happened?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Willo Barber Shop on 84th St. Near 37th Ave.
« on: June 23, 2009, 12:14:03 AM »
I live nearby and echo the sentiments of many people on this forum that the patrons of this place seem to have no respect for the neighborhood---the noise and the mess are disgraceful and are bringing down the overall quality of life on this block of 84th street.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Strange food finds?
« on: June 23, 2009, 12:11:17 AM »
A couple months ago I found dried sweet potatoes in Chinese language packaging at Met foods--they were terrific!  Soft and sweet, almost like gummy candy.  I can't seem to find them anymore at Met so I was going to go to Pacific to see if they have some there, but I'm preggers and have been floored recently by morning sickness---I don't think I can handle the fish smell right now!    :P

Pets and Animals / Re: Poll: Michael Vick out of jail
« on: June 21, 2009, 08:19:02 PM »
For me this is not an issue of Vick serving out a sentence.  Even putting aside the issue of legalities, and whether or not the sentencing guidelines for animal cruelty are tough enough, I believe that pro sports should join professions like medicine and law in prescribing a higher ethical responsibility for their members.  Pro sports players carry a huge responsibility to the public as role models; any lawyer or doctor who had done what Vick did would have been disbarred/stripped of their license.  Anyone who has displayed the cruelty, depravity, and basic lack of ethics that Vick has, has in my opinion lost the right to serve as a role model and has shown their complete disregard and disrespect for their fans.

Pets and Animals / Re: Feral Cats
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:42:18 PM »
I should add that the mobile clinics program is not ideal for feral cats.  They actually have some days on the clinics that are especially for rescuers, but most of the days are for the general public and if the cat is obviously feral they may reject it based on the danger of infecting the owned animals on the clinic with communicable diseases.  So if you have any interest in the mobile clinics you'll want to find a date/location that is rescuer dedicated, not public.

Pets and Animals / Re: Feral Cats
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:29:55 PM »
Regarding the ASPCA mobile clinics:
While its true that these do target low-income populations, you DO NOT need to be low income in order to participate--they charge $75 if you don't have proof of public assistance, otherwise its free.  It's first come, first serve, and each clinic has a capacity of about 20 animals.  Here's a link to their schedule:

ALSO, the ASPCA is holding Sunday spay days up at their hospital on East 92nd street for rescuers of feral cats/members of the TNR community. I believe they do have a trap bank available, and I think the spay days are basically open to any feral cat rescuers who are willing to trap, drop off, and then pick up/return the animals from the Manhattan shelter.  The spay day is only one Sunday a month, don't know which one, but you could call their dedicated spay/neuter number to ask for more information: 877-SPAY-NYC.

Good luck!

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