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Messages - Dennis P. Owens

Pages: [1]
Pets and Animals / Re: Danger of unleashed dogs on city streets
« on: February 02, 2009, 01:18:44 AM »
Hi!  I find what you're describing to be disturbing on several levels...

While this type of problem is less prevalent than it was, in years past, it continues to happen.  NYPD is unlikely to issue a summons for this.  It's most often not witnessed by them and it's probably not easy to find witnesses to swear out the complaint.

We live in a society where most people have video or photo capability, via their cell phones, right?  Imagine if an enterprising person or persons decided to record people who don't clean up their dog's feces and or that allow their dog to run at-large.  The images could make it to a site, specifically dedicated for the purpose of "putting the offender on blast" and perhaps shame and/or societal pressure (Mommy, I saw a video of you and Pookie at school, today.  You were supposed to clean up the poop.  All of my friends were calling you "poopy," Mommy!)

Might that not have an effect?  It might also be possible to send the images or video to a Community Liason Officer at the 115th Precinct.

Just a thought.

Be well and...

Go with Dogs,
Dennis P. Owens
Creator, Cane Cultura - The Modern Dog Culture

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