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Messages - lilo

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: NY1: Trade Fair Truck Driver Attacks Dromm
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:02:55 PM »
Thank you for posting that photo. This is exactly why 2 bus routes should never have been transferred to a street already under siege by deliveries to a 24-hour supermarket. Nice going DOT!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:42:18 AM »
Yes, anyone who shops on 37th Road is entitled to an opinion. If you don't mind having to step over piles of garbage or share your plaza table with people who are simply loitering or sleeping or intoxicated, then so be it.

To the other know-it-alls, I respond with the following:

-the merchants did ask to have the plaza removed from its current location and placed on 37th Road between 75th and 76th Streets instead

-the merchants did ask to have the Q47 and Q49 bus stops returned to the 37th Road, BUT they did NOT ask to have the buses returned to 73rd St (the obvious route should be on 35th Avenue and Broadway since these are two double lane roads that would allow for emergency and delivery vehicles to stop in front of buildings/businesses without creating a traffic jam; NOTE that this is the same route used when 37th Avenue is closed for parades)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« on: April 12, 2012, 03:07:03 PM »
I wonder how many members of the J.H. Green Alliance ever spent a dime in any of the businesses on 37th Road. As long as you continue to never put your money where your mouth is, your opinion is worthless. It's also unfortunate that you actually believe the bunk Danny Dromm spoons out. No one in that Town Hall meeting asked for the Transportation Study to be reversed. They asked for it to be reviewed for alternatives. A 'review' and a 'reversal' can hardly be called the same thing.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Times take on 37th Road Plaza - today
« on: March 22, 2012, 04:46:47 PM »
As someone who has lived in Jackson Heights for several years, I am not park-starved and I certainly didn't move here with the idea that the city owed me any green space (Flushing Meadow Park will do just fine). Noone in my building would be caught dead in that pedestrian plaza. Its filth is only matched by the unsavory characters who lurk about there day and night. Mr. Dromm's assumption that the merchants of 37th Road have something to hide is by far the most troubling aspect of that NYTimes piece. Why would anyone in their right mind open their financial records to a total megalomaniac?! And why would anyone expect the head of the 74th Street business association to inform merchants on 37th Road of the impending pedestrian plaza? Their failure just sends more business his way. Unfortunately,  Sarah Maslin Nir didn't ask the really tough questions like (1) how coincidental is it that the economic downturn that hit 37th Road started on Sept. 20th--the very day the street was closed to vehicular traffic; (2) why isn't anyone asking the DOT to open their books and show us all exaclty how they spent over $650,000; (3) after repeatedly saying "give it a chance" in the press, when is Danny Dromm going to realize that after 6 months, the plaza continues to be a failure. Being so stubbornly inflexible and refusing to listen to reason only reinforces my image of him as a whiny kid, stamping his feet and leaving nothing but useless dust in his wake.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights Neighborhood Transportation Study
« on: November 10, 2011, 01:52:47 PM »
Setting up a protest site in Zuccotti Park is also illegal, but it was necessary in order to draw attention to a crisis that isn't being adequately addressed. The same holds true for those petition flyers that are requesting (not demanding) that the DOT review and reverse their decision to change the flow of traffic and move 2 bus routes to 75th St. (no mention of moving them back to 73rd St. as far as I can see).

Danny Dromm's response to a letter signed by a 75th Street co-op board: Discuss this matter with Maura McCarthy.

Maura McCarthy's resonse: The DOT is still evaluating the area (e.g., by tweaking the amount of green light time), but has no plans to change any of the study's major implentations.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights Neighborhood Transportation Study
« on: November 10, 2011, 11:20:55 AM »
The petition on 75th Street is in response to unproductive emails/conversations with Maura McCarthy of the DOT and Council Member Danny Dromm. It is not an ultimatum, but an attempt to reopen the dialogue by showing strength in numbers. Removing those flyers from poles and business windows is cowardly. Furthermore, to describe a simple flyer as an infraction to the beauty of Jackson Heights is absurd. How can anyone who cares about the "beauty" of this neighborhood be immune to the filth, noise, and chaos that is spilling over from the business district?! Take off your rose colored glasses and get real. The outcome of this study just pitted one street against another and failed to address the fact that driving/parking/living in J.H. is an urban nightmare.

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