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Topics - smkalita

Pages: [1]
Pets and Animals / Cat pee?
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:04:31 PM »
Everyone knows the house we bought as the one formerly with all the cats. Each time we've been in there, the air gets clearer and clearer. BUT there is a distinct cat pee odor. We assume that sanding the floors will take care of it -- and painting AND a good scrubbing -- but worry that every now and then we might still catch a whiff. Which will seriously gross me out. Anyone know if there's anything we should do NOW, before they begin sanding etc. (I posed this question on the blog we are using to chronicle renovation so feel free to answer here or there...)

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Cat pee?
« on: March 06, 2011, 04:06:51 PM »
Everyone knows the house we bought as the one formerly with all the cats. Each time we've been in there, the air gets clearer and clearer. BUT there is a distinct cat pee odor. We assume that sanding the floors will take care of it -- and painting AND a good scrubbing -- but worry that every now and then we might still catch a whiff. Which will seriously gross me out. Anyone know if there's anything we should do NOW, before they begin sanding etc. (I posed this question on the blog we are using to chronicle renovation so feel free to answer here or there...)

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Renovations in historic district - help!
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:30:31 AM »

Any advice from JH-ers who have renovated a house in the historic district. What do you know now that you wish you knew then? Any great contractors who are especially good at preserving, restoring, etc? And who are the best window/door suppliers? And who are the best folks to fix facades, crumbling brick etc etc.

Thanks so much in advance. Do feel free to direct message if you can. 

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Houses for sale?
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:06:18 PM »
In very early stages of looking for a house between 68th and 85th, preferably in the Roosevelt and Northern Blvd boundaries. Anyone know of any for sale? Min 3BR-2bath, prefer bigger and space for artist is needed. Fixer upper preferred as we've done it before but we are open. No condos or co ops - already own one in the hood. Tall order but maybe you have a neighbor looking to sell? Else a fabulous realtor's name and number would help Thanks - Nitin

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