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Topics - tarobubbletea

Pages: [1]
Real Estate & Home Improvement / Thoughts on Terrace View?
« on: February 02, 2021, 08:21:48 PM »
My partner and I are thinking of putting an offer in on an apartment at Terrace View. People seemed fairly friendly, but after doing a little research, found some troubling comments on this board about the former board president (accusations of discrimination), as well as about the larger community in the building. Does anyone have any insight?

In addition to those comments, I'm worried about an overly intrusive board -- we are pretty quiet, don't host a lot of parties (and obviously wouldn't host any till after COVID, anyway), and don't plan on making a lot of renovations to the space, if that makes any difference. We're just new to co-ops and wondering if there's anything we should be aware of. Thanks in advance!

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