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Topics - doesitreallymatter

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Window Repair
« on: December 19, 2020, 09:43:51 PM »
Hi all,

I am looking for someone to fix up the windows in my apartment including cleaning and/replacing the springs, making sure the locks are working etc. If you have a recommendation please send them my way!

Thank you!

Neighborhood Chat / Ways for NYC to Balance Deficit and help MTA
« on: October 08, 2020, 05:43:50 PM »
I am anti-congestion pricing and anti-bike lanes. We are slicing and dicing our network of streets at great expense to everyone. We literally just reduced Northern Boulevard from 3 lanes to 2 to get into Manhattan. This is insane. Shame on the DOT to allow this. However, I feel that with the growing financial challenges NYC is going to face, congestion pricing is inevitable. Congestion pricing places an unfair amount of burden on small businesses and I do NOT stand for it.  If we "need" this revenue so badly for the MTA then we should also start thinking about other revenue streams such as:

1. Don't turn on heat in subway cars (or keep it at bare minimum temperature), will also help discourage homeless to sleep in cars. We can't afford to have entire cars vacant except for one person this winter. You all know what I mean.

2. Start charging for street parking for regular cars overnight and/or during the day. Make the meters up to 12 or 16 hours long, but let's stop giving away our streets for free.

3. Charge bicycles (and all wheeled vehicles used as mode of transportation) to register in NYC for better identification tags or some kind of "plate" that attaches to the bike. That way it is easier to fine them when they run red lights and break NYC traffic laws.

4. Charge more tickets to bicyclists who break traffic laws.

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