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Topics - mmgl8588

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The deadline, September 30 is fast approaching for the #Census2020. We are continuing our census outreach this weekend, join us and community leader Joy Chowdhury Sunday from 9-12pm at Travers Park.

Just a few days before #Pride2020 join us for a roundtable with Queens LGBTQ+ leaders about the pressing issues facing our community & the state legislature's role in addressing them. This will be bilingual in English & Spanish!

RSVP here:

Neighborhood Chat / Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, NYS Assembly Candidate
« on: May 18, 2020, 05:08:06 PM »
Really exciting news! Our Councilmember Danny Dromm endorses Jessica González-Rojas for New York State Assembly in District 34!

The safest way to vote in the upcoming June 23rd primary election is to vote-by-mail. Working Families Party New York State Deputy Director Sharon Cromwell will join us to talk about why it's so important to vote by mail, how to request your absentee ballot, and relevant deadlines.

RSVP here:

Join us for a special Mother’s Day conversation with Liuba Grechen Shirley about why electing more mothers to elected office will improve the lives of everyone. We’ll discuss efforts to expand free high quality child care options, improve public schools, and how to achieve pay equity.

RSVP here:

Many members of our community are also struggling with food access. Next Wednesday at 8pm, Pedro Rodriguez is the Founder and Executive Director of the Queens food pantry La Jornada will discuss La Jornada's impact, challenges of food access during COVID-19 and the communities that are impacted most.

RSVP here:

Juan Ardila, a Program Coordinator at the Legal Aid Society, will discuss the benefits available to New Yorkers in this moment, including SNAP, SSD, and unemployment insurance, as well as how to apply.

Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. is the President & Founder of Hip Hop Caucus. As a national leader and pacemaker within the Green Movement, Rev Yearwood has been successfully bridging the gap between communities of color and environmental issue advocacy. On Earth Day, join us to discuss  the impacts of the climate crisis on communities of color.

RSVP here:

Come meet Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas! She'll discuss the shift in our campaign's focus given the Coronavirus crisis and why now more than ever it's important we elect someone who is fighting for universal healthcare, to release aging and vulnerable people from prison, and to make CUNY free again.

RSVP here:

Social worker and community activist, Ingrid Gomez, will talk about all things census: why it's so important to fill out the census and get counted, how our data is protected, and the timeline for filling it out. This webinar will be bilingual in English and Spanish!

RSVP here:

Community Groups, Activities & Events / Know Your Rights: Immigration
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:39:01 PM »
New York's immigrant population is especially vulnerable to this health crisis, and District 34 is over 60% foreign-born. Many are not able to qualify for relief due to immigration status, live in multi-family households where isolation is near impossible, or don't have the privilege of being able to work from home. Join Immigrant Rights activist Whitney Hu who will discuss the challenges facing our immigrant populations, what resources are out there, and what we must continue fighting for.

RSVP here:

The most recent budget passed was shameful and included rollbacks to bail reform, cuts to medicaid, and no increase to Foundation Aid for public education - all amidst a health crisis. Join NY Working Families Party State Director Sochie Nnaemeka who will guide us through how the NYS budget process works, what advocates were fighting for, and what the fight looks like now.

RSVP here:

Despite advice from health experts to social distance, social distancing is near impossible in jails and prisons, where the rate of infection is over 8 times higher than NYC. Join Mark Shervington, an activist for criminal justice reforms, who is fighting to release elders and other vulnerable populations from jails and prisons.

RSVP here:

Shweta Parmar is an Ayurvedic Practitioner who will offer perspectives and practical tips rooted in Eastern medicine (Ayurveda, Yoga) to build lasting immunity. Lessons from COVID19 can teach us to start or deepen your inner armor for personal and community change. She will focus on anature-based wholistic perspective, including gut health tips, easy sound meditation for adults and kids, affordable spice remedies, and more for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vitality.

Join us April 5th and RSVP here:

Community Groups, Activities & Events / Know Your Rights: Housing
« on: March 29, 2020, 10:27:46 PM »
For most New Yorkers, rent is due April 1st, and with thousands of people losing their income as a direct result of the Coronavirus, many don't know how they'll pay and what will happen next. Housing lawyers Lina Lee and Shekar Krishnan will talk us through what the current housing landscape is, what your rights are, and how we can all fight for justice for tenants. Lina and Shekar are two of the three co-founders of a legal services organization called Communites Resist which was established and led by people of color to fight for low-income tenants and community coalitions in some of the most gentrified neighborhoods in NYC, especially in Brooklyn and Queens. Its mission is to promote racial, gender, economic, and social justice, advance civil and human rights, and defend and preserve communities of color under an organizing and affirmative litigation model on behalf of tenant associations. Lina and Shekar have extensive experience representing tenants and working with organizers in protracted struggles against harassment by landlords, systemic housing discrimination, and discriminatory rezonings in the city. We hope you can join us!

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