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Topics - RoseM

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Business Listings and Services Directory / Class for Toddlers
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:04:16 PM »
There is a new movement class starting up in Jackson Heights for parents/caregivers and children 0-4 at SuperStar Dance studio next month: Zumbini by Chrissi!

Chrissi is a tenured NYC teacher with 8 years experience. She danced in college and has been making a difference in the lives of children since she started working with them at age 14. Marrying two of her passions, early childhood education and dance, Chrissi is a certified Zumbini instructor (a Zumba inspired program for kids).

My daughter and I will be dancing with Chrissi this winter and we hope to meet some new friends in the process.  There is more information on her Facebook page and anyone who is interested to register can visit for classes in JH).

If you have any questions her email address is:

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