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Topics - sarahlane61

Pages: [1]
Hi all!

I moved to JH last year. And while I LOVE it here, one thing I've been missing is a nearby Fresh Food Box program -- a luxury I had in my previous neighborhoods and LOVED!

Fresh Food Box is a city-sponsored CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), which pools local farms for a varied selection of fruits and veggies every week. It's just $15 per week, and it's pay-per-week (no expensive seasonal commitments). At every visit you come away with a big bag of fresh seasonal goodies, and for a LOT less than it costs in stores or farmers markets. Here's more info on the program:

If we wanted a FFB program in JH, they'd need a spot where:
  • at least 30 people would use the service
  • 2 tables are available to use during pick-ups (3hrs/week)
  • there's room to store several items on site: tent (5 ft x 1.5 ft), box of supplies (2 ft x 2 ft), and paper bags (2 ft x 2 ft)

They'd also need a point person to donate 2-4 hours/week, which I'd be happy to do if this moves forward.

So here's what I want to know:

  • Who else is interested in having a FFB in JH? (We'd need at least 30 folks who think they'd be interested, thanks for voting with the poll!)
  • Any ideas for a location the FFB could use? (This should be an easy spot for folks to come and grab their produce, where 2 tables could be borrowed, and there's room to store some supplies.) Thanks for leaving ideas in the comments section!

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or feedback!

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