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Topics - Gordan

Pages: [1] 2
Neighborhood Chat / 65 and up.
« on: April 04, 2019, 11:52:53 PM »
I’ve been noticing that there’s a handful of older folks posting quite often here and a subset that have posted some VERY false info. In light of that I thought I’d share this article about how many of that age group lack digital literacy and are more susceptible to scams and false information.

Four recent studies found that older Americans are more likely to consume and share false online news than those in other age groups, even when controlling for factors such as partisanship. Other research has found that older Americans have a poor or inaccurate grasp of how algorithms play a role in selecting what information is shown to them on social media, are worse than younger people at differentiating between reported news and opinion, and are less likely to register the brand of a news site they consume information from.

Also this: Older Adults Are Especially Prone to Social Media Bubbles

Neighborhood Chat / Jessica Ramos in The Intercept and WNYC.
« on: March 06, 2019, 11:34:44 PM »
This article came the other day and it features some great remarks by Jessica Ramos.

If not for the Working Families Party we would still be held captive by the party machine.

Also, she had a good segment on Brian Lehrer.

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Number Records and Tapes
« on: February 12, 2019, 12:00:18 AM »
I am interested in hearing ANYTHING about this place that existed at 77-11 37th Ave.

Neighborhood Chat / Public Advocate race 2/26
« on: January 24, 2019, 11:33:23 AM »
Has anyone been following this? There are 20 something candidates! It would be great to share any info here if someone has any. There was a forum on NY1 last night. But, it seemed a bit chaotic from the clips I watched.


Very happy to see Daniel Dromm back this proposal. This could be huge for pulling carbon out of our air. We now know that diesel fumes are even worse for us all to breathe. Especially children who are still developing. Just sitting on the bus exposes kids to these harmful fuels. I would love to see this expand to other cities.

If you feel similarly, the councilman's office suggested spreading the word to friends in other neighborhoods so that more council members will support this program. Which would help it expand. So, please re-post the article.

Neighborhood Chat / Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Democratic Socialism
« on: November 09, 2018, 09:08:45 PM »
That NY Times article provides some nice insight and adds a humanizing touch to what the process of becoming a freshman congress person is. Honestly, she and many others made major sacrifices to run. The amount of money it takes alone can crush someone. How do you continue to pay your bills and in other's case make time for your family while doing all this. It can crush someone. She's young and set out to do something for the right reasons and now she is living with the consequences of being vilified by the rich and powerful who are manipulating the poor and ignorant.

So many people are being elected by dark money because their life is gets subsidized and it allows them to campaign. Ordinary people don't have that luxury. So ordinary people are not getting into congress. This is a cancer on democracy.

Communism isn't a concern cause, guess what? We are in AMERICA! I think her core message has been that working people deserve equal access to opportunities which will allow them to live with dignity. How could you be against that?

I was on the fence during the primary but, voted for her anyway. And the effect she had on a local level was immediate. It freed other politicians to support IDC challengers. And now we have much better local representation because people no longer feared Crowley.

I got a phone call today about a voter information forum that will be held at the Jewish center on this
monday night 10/15. Initiatives on Public financing for campaigns, Community boards and civic engagement initiatives.

Don't forget to flip your ballot in November!

Neighborhood Chat / Has anyone ever noticed these?
« on: October 05, 2018, 12:28:48 PM »
I've been really into these posters for a while. They pop up everywhere. Anyone else a fan?

Neighborhood Chat / Any opinions on the AG race?
« on: August 27, 2018, 08:05:09 PM »
Just finished watching this:

There's another debate on NY1 this week.

Patrick Maloney has proudly voted against the ACA and other crucial votes during Obama's time. So, I'm not sure I trust him.

And last week I read this interview with Tish James and almost threw up in my mouth:

and Also this:

Champion of the working person?? Not so much....

In the above debate all did well except her. She struggling to repeat her talking points and COMPLETELY skirted the Cuomo corruption question which totally reinforced the above article.

Teachout hammered home how corrupt Albany is and a plan to deal with it. Everyone else was like, "Don't you hate Trump??"

Talk about something else already. Cuomo is one of the MOST corrupt Governors modern NY history! We need a check on him.

Neighborhood Chat / Crowley gets it WRONG
« on: May 21, 2018, 09:48:22 PM »
I have been kinda torn about the upcoming June primary but, I think this just sorted it out for me. Wish I could say can't believe it but, guess I was just hoping for more out of him. Gross...
adhering to the establishment line is “in Crowley’s DNA.”

Neighborhood Chat / Ocasio-Cortez challenges Crowley in NY-14 Primary
« on: April 08, 2018, 11:26:00 AM »
I have to say that Crowley did a great job answering questions at the event yesterday. There was a fairly good size crowd. He was pretty straight up and spoke about some of the larger implications of the free wheeling gun laws in America like what happens when we allow the police to obtain military vehicles and how that can lead to people feeling like they need an arsenal in their homes. Additionally, he accepted blame that Democrats did not act to re implement an assault weapons ban when they were in the majority of both chambers in 2008. He seems pretty sympathetic to the issue. There was a guy there that seemed kinda agitated and seemed like he came to rock the boat. He was huffing and puffing a lot.

Side note: Peralta showed up about half way through. He was calling out "Congressman" like an overly eager child in a classroom. He spoke about a plan to implement school lock downs and smoke bombs or signals. Not sure...
Thankfully a woman called him out and said she was highly concerned about the effect that has on learning and a child's "psyche".
He later posted his photo with Crowley to his twitter page saying "Participating" in a town hall with Congressman Crowley. Perhaps attempting to imply he was co-hosting. That guy has no shame....

A previous thread was asking for more support of Sac's Pizza. Well, here's a great reason to support them. What a great cause for them to support! On April 26th Sac’s Place will be donating 25 percent of their proceeds to The Alliance for Positive Change.

Neighborhood Chat / Any thought on DeBlasio Townhall?
« on: March 30, 2018, 11:56:40 PM »
Just curious what people thought about the format or some of the questions that were brought up. There were a few people that repeated topics that were already covered. People are pretty mad about the new buildings in the area. Personally, not a fan of the target. Kinda wished there were some harder hitting questions. I was pretty moved by the woman who spoke about her husband being taken away. DeBlasio is not a very polished politician. Cuomo and him almost seem like they're in a jerk contest.

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