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Topics - wlirfan

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Pediatrician Recommendations
« on: September 14, 2021, 11:18:20 AM »
Hi all

My husband and I are going through surrogacy and we're expecting a baby on (or about) November 15th. We're prepping like crazy, and we're also doing some renovations, but we'd like to see if anyone has any recommendations for a Queens based pediatrician. If you can let us know, I'd appreciate any help.

Neighborhood Chat / Peralta and Crime on Roosevelt
« on: August 30, 2016, 10:15:26 AM »
So I read this article this morning:

While I am all for combating crime on Roosevelt, I dislike the concept of enforcing the cabaret license requirements.  I view dance as a form of expression.  A good song comes on the jukebox and I want to dance.  These laws are just stupid.  You want to enforce the law - then try enforcing the laws regarding drugs, serving alcohol to minors, excessive noise, prostitution, guns, fights and gangs.  A little dancing never hurt anyone.

I say this because in the good ole Guliani days, I would be in an east village dive gay bar and a great song would come on.  When people, naturally, started to dance, the bouncer would go around the club to tell them to stop.  The bar, it seems, would be ticketed regularly for permitting people to dance without a cabaret license.  It was a joke back then, it's a joke now.  It's a way to say "I'm enforcing the law" without actually doing anything about crime.

Restaurants & Food / Wendy's at 74th Street Station
« on: June 01, 2016, 03:10:53 PM »
As much as I love seeing new businesses opening up, I equally hate these fast food chains.  Sigh.

Neighborhood Chat / Hit and Run at Fruitstand Christmas Day
« on: December 28, 2015, 08:25:53 AM »
I saw a black Mercedes SUV hit the Fruitstand at the corner of 37th Avenue and 82nd Street on Christmas morning. I called 911 and read them the license plate. Shortly after, the vehicle began to move again off the sidewalk and took off. We saw police vehicles traveling the area to look for the car.

Didn't see anyone hurt. Does anyone know if they caught the driver?

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