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Topics - Slobberchops

Pages: [1]
Pets and Animals / Found Blue-ish Parakeet
« on: September 07, 2011, 08:51:37 AM »
I found a parakeet in my yard this morning. It's a wonder the cat didn't find it first.
If it's yours, come get it. Even if you just want it to be yours - please - come get it.

Neighborhood Chat / Psychic Litter
« on: August 31, 2009, 11:15:54 PM »
He can forecast your past, future & present!

From 37th Road up 74th Street to 37th Avenue then all the way to 86th Street I saw dozens of these cards discarded onto the sidewalks and into the gutters - folded, crumpled, torn to bits, tossed to the ground intact.

Seems to me someone who predicts the future could've foreseen this awful mess and come up with a nicer way to advertise his business.

Neighborhood Chat / Supermarket Advertising Circulars
« on: November 28, 2008, 06:00:10 PM »
Associated Supermarkets and other local merchants distribute advertising circulars to homes up and down the streets and avenues of Jackson Heights. You know what I'm talking about - those ads you see rolled up and stuffed into fences and gates or sometimes simply dumped onto porches or tossed into yards. Such advertising placement in itself is bad enough. But what's more irksome is this: Those circulars don't always stay where they're put. Instead, they become unsightly windblown debris and ticket-bait for any NYC Sanitation enforcement officer who happens along.

Today I see three, four and five Associated circulars left at each of the houses along 92nd and 93rd streets. There's half a dozen of them blowing around on the sidewalk in front of the neighbor's place and another one tire-mulched into the middle of the street in front of my house. Yuck.

Sure, they gotta advertise, but it seems to me the marketeers at Associated et al could come up with a more neighborly approach, one that's not such an eco-insult to our community.

Talk to them? I tried that. I've telephoned their stores and head offices. I've logged-on their websites to register complaints. I've mailed letters. They're unresponsive.

Any ideas on how to get these characters to knock it off?

Neighborhood Chat / US Mail Delivery Problem
« on: September 09, 2008, 11:12:43 AM »
I've registered three 'misdirected mail' complaints with the Post Office in the past few weeks. I got a personal response each time, something like this: "We've got several regular carriers on vacation. Hopefully, when they come back, things will improve." Not so reassuring.

Mostly my complaints are about receiving other people's mail - the folks next door, some fella in Corona, a gal on 78th Street (I'm on 93rd) - but I've also had  mail go missing . . . Netflix, specifically. And two boxes of blank checks. That's scary.

Anyhoo . . . I'm sure this happens to lots of people in Jackson Heights, not just me. If you've had similar troubles please register a complaint with the USPS. Their website makes it easy. Maybe the right person will get the message - maybe.


Best Food Writing 2006
Best Food Writing 2007
Mario Batali - Simple Italian Food (singed copy)

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