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Topics - pingram

Pages: [1]
 HELP ME START A CURB YOUR DOG AWARENESS CLUB. There are hundreds of dog owners who don't even think when they walk their dog --- the dog just goes where they want.  On my block there are at least 40 urine pools which I have to navigate as dog owners think it is only feces that the $450 fine applies to.  This is so disrepectful and self-centered of dog owners who let their dogs "go" on other peoples property which includes public  sidewalks.  I once stopped a man in Brooklyn Heights after watching his dog urinate on a neighbors brownstone stoop.  I asked him why he lets his dog do this rather than walking and training him to the curb.  He said: "oh, I never even thought about it".    So perhaps making dog owners aware of what they are doing may help a little. 
The curb is at the end of the sidewalk where the street begins.  The streets are cleaned every week by the city, whereas the sidewalks only get "cleaned" when it rains.  Someone tell me what dog owners do when their dogs are sick and they can't "pick it up"?  do they come back and scrub the " dog waste  "?   No way!  They may try but leave the rest for their neighbors to walk in.    THANK YOU.

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