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Topics - Mr. C

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Vegan Dinner Club?
« on: January 17, 2009, 04:47:47 PM »
The vegetarian restaurant post got me thinking that maybe there are more than the two vegans I know of in Jackson Heights (myself included).

Are you a JH vegan cook?

If so are you interested in starting-up a JH vegan dinner club.  Something like a vegan pot-luck once a month at revolving apartments.  Some people could bring appetizers, others main dishes, others sides, others deserts.

I think it would be fun...I make really awesome homemade seitan!

Neighborhood Chat / I.S. 145 Schoolyard to Playground
« on: June 20, 2008, 08:20:14 AM »
Jackson Heights is getting a new park!

City planners met with administration and students at I.S. 145 yesterday.  My source (one of my 7th graders who participated in the meeting) said that the the planners discussed building new basketball and handball courts, synthetic grass soccer and baseball fields, benches, fountains, and plants (including trees along Northern Blvd. to block traffic noise).  The new schoolyard will be closed when school is in session, then open to the community when school is not in session (after 4:00 PM, weekends, and vacations).  While the schoolyard isn't huge, this project will probably double the amount of field space in the neighborhood.

I'll try to find out more, including the time line for the project from the Principal today.

Neighborhood Chat / Landscape Architecture at I.S. 145
« on: February 11, 2008, 07:42:05 PM »
I'm a 7th grade teacher at I.S. 145.  I'm doing a Landscape Architecture enrichment activity with some of my students.  We are planning to do some landscaping in front of I.S. 145 along 34th Avenue (between 79th and 80th).  I have a few questions for the community:

1. This Friday morning my co-teacher I are taking the students on a walk of the neighborhood to look at how gardens are set up.  Which gardens should the kids see?  Which are most beautiful? Most unique?  Is there anyone out there that can help us get inside some of the inner gardens?

2. I'm looking for landscape architecture professionals/experts that could come in and talk to the kids and organizations.

3. I'd love to find some money for basic supplies (tools, plants, mulch, etc.).

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