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Topics - NYCMacUser

Pages: [1]
Pets and Animals / Animal Health & Safety
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:45:18 PM »
Question: when should you start using flea prevention stuff?  My vet said as soon as it's warm but when do you do yours?  And any suggestions as to which one to use?
I hold off as long as I can. Most of the products available are very high in their side-effect profile. Both my dogs have had reactions to a couple of them. If you don't expect to expose your dog to the environments where fleas and ticks breed, I personally wouldn't use any protection at all. Even when using the damned stuff, the paws don't seem to be protected at all. So, each time I come home from an unsafe place I check all 8 paws for ticks—nasty little buggers. I have small dogs, so when I do decide to use something I use Advantix K9 Flea Killer Plus because it comes in an 'under 10 pound' formula. Discuss it with your vet. Ask questions. Read up about the use of the products online. Make an informed decision.

Heartworm medication, on the other hand, is a must!

Most vets charge a lot of money for these products. You have 3 choices: 1) Print out the cheapest price you can find for the item online and bring it with you to the vet visit and ask the vet to match the price; 2) ask for a prescription for the product so that you can go online and order it less expensively; 3) pay the vet whatever he wants for the stuff!

I do #1. He laughs at me, but he matches the price every year!

Pets and Animals / Your Pets and NYC Laws
« on: May 10, 2008, 04:04:40 PM »
If NYC really wants a quick influx of money, they should start ticketing unlicensed dog owners. There is an estimated 5.5 million dogs in NYC and there are less than 400,000 licensed. That's around 7 1/4%!

I remember when the animal license people would come around once a year and ring every doorbell. If a dog barked, and someone was home, they asked to see the dog's license. If it was produced, all fine and well. If it wasn't, they were given a ticket and an application and told that they had 60 days to get the dog licensed and that at their court date they were to bring the license to the court. If they didn't, or if they didn't show up in court, a warrant was issued for their arrest and the dog was allowed to be removed from their home. If no-one answered the doorbell, and a dog was barking, the officer left a form letter and a license application and they were told that they had 60 days before a return visit.

What is wrong with people that they don't spend the $8.50 to just stay on the right side of the law?

Neighborhood Chat / HELP! I Think I Have An Addiction To . . .
« on: March 06, 2008, 08:32:49 AM »
I need some help, here.

I guess I am just an addictive personality, but I think it has gotten out of hand for me. I've tried to stop, but my will power is overcome by the physical and emotional cravings I feel. I went to the pharmacy and looked all over the place and couldn't find anything that might help me kick this habit. No pills. No patches. Not even a sucking candy or a gum.

I didn't realize that this has been going on for years and years. I guess it became a part of my lifestyle and I never noticed that it had the potential to become a problem. 

But, last week and this week  I had appointments almost everyday and to compound the situation I even went out to dinner with friends a couple of times. So I was kept really busy, and didn't realize until last night.


OMG, I was barely able to get any sleep. I have so many things to get done today, but now I also have to get to the supermarket and get me some.

Oh! Please G-d, don't let me rip open the bag on the checkout line no matter how badly I perspire or my hands shake; please G-d give me the strength, the emotional fortitude, to wait until I get back home and can indulge my addiction in the privacy of my own surroundings without anyone seeing how badly I need this!

Whew! I am so proud that I was able to share this with you.  :angel:

So, what are YOU addicted to, huh?

Comon, share.  :police:

Restaurants & Food / How Often Do You Eat Out?
« on: January 26, 2008, 12:00:36 PM »
With all the great restaurants around, but the cost sometimes prohibitive, how often do you (and spouse and/or children) eat out. I don't mean the snack in the mornings, or the quick lunch, I mean the sit down restaurant meal or the full meal take-out.

Restaurants & Food / Cooking For One
« on: January 21, 2008, 10:42:43 AM »
I raised a fairly large family and learned how to cook for armies! Now that I live alone (except for 2 furballs), I find that I haven't stopped cooking in large quantities. Every time I want something that needs hours to make, I put it off until I can get some friends over to share. Would anyone please share some really fast recipes, that don't require hours of prep and cooking time, for me?

BTW, I am an omnivore!

Community Groups, Activities & Events / NYC Sponsored Bedbug Seminar
« on: January 18, 2008, 11:53:23 PM »

Pets and Animals / Show Off Your Pet(s)
« on: January 17, 2008, 02:11:42 AM »
I'd swear there are more dogs and cats in my building than people.

These are mine.

This is Frankie. He is a 7 year old, neutered Bichon Frise. He was named for Frank Sinatra. In fact I registered him under the name François Albért. Hey, he's a French breed I thought he should have a French name! He is such an alpha male. I swear I will never have another male, ever again. I had heard about these alphas, but it is another thing to have to live with one.

This is Frieda Antonia. Named after my grandmothers, she is a 5 year old, spayed, uncropped, undocked Affenpinscher. She is a classic terrier: bossy and one can short of a six-pack! Her favorite toy is a mirror so she can bark at the image of the dog who won't play with her! Her favorite place is the threshold to the kitchen waiting for something to drop.

Okay, I showed you mine, now show me yours.

Neighborhood Chat / My Funniest Story?
« on: January 17, 2008, 01:41:14 AM »
I just heard the funniest story.

I have a friend who is always bragging about her youngest little 4 year old granddaughter who already knows how to read.

One day, little Natasha was in the bathroom and noticed one of the cabinet doors under the sink was slightly ajar.

She read one of the boxes in the cabinet and then ran downstairs to ask her mother why she was keeping 'napkins' in the bathroom. Didn't they belong in the kitchen?

Not wanting to burden her with unnecessary facts, she told Tasha that those were for 'special occasions'.

Now fast forward a few months . . . it's Thanksgiving Day, and Tasha's folks are leaving to pick up her uncle and his wife for dinner. Mom had assignments for all 3 kids while they were gone.

Tasha's was to set the table.

When they returned, Uncle Joe came in first and immediately burst into laughter. Next came Aunt Michelle who gasped, then began giggling. Next came Tasha's Dad, who roared with laughter.

Then came the little 4 year old's Mom, who almost died of embarrassment when she saw each place setting on the table with a 'special occasion' Kotex napkin at each plate, with the fork carefully arranged on top. Even the little tails were tucked in so they didn't hang off the edge of the table.

When asked why she used them, her response sent the all the other adults into further fits of laughter.

"But, Mom, you said they were for 'special occasions'!"

Life is too short for drama & petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.

Have you got a special story to share?

Business Listings and Services Directory / Locked thread
« on: January 10, 2008, 03:59:05 PM »
Will one of the mods please explain why this topic was locked.  :-\

Neighborhood Chat / 2008 Alternate Side Parking Calendar
« on: December 17, 2007, 11:48:35 AM »

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