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Messages - PaulG

Pages: [1]
Hey Capt,

I stand against him and much of what he stands for. I was a Bernie supporter long before the corruption of the DNC boxed him out. So while I take pride to live in a very diverse community the simple fact is the American people were lied to by both the GOP and the DNC in 1986 when the illegal issue was 3mm deep. We trusted their word and the issue literally grew by a factor of 3 or 6 (depending on what #'s your think are accurate) with 25-30 years. So why on earth would any clear minded citizen trust so called Comprehensive reform when it already failed once.

You seem educated so remind me of what Einstein said about insanity?

My take, is much like one unarmed person being shot by the cops is one too many so is a citizen dying by someone who never should have been able to enter the country, whether they came from Canada or Cambodia.

Dems want votes- Gop wants cheap labor and the rest of us are pitted against each other.

As a sovereign nation we had an absolute right to define our own policies.

To me a fence (hoping they using more technology than bricks) is nothing more than a national dead bolt on the door.

all the best to you

The targets are specific muslim-dominant countries, not brown people.  A white person from that country would face the same restrictions as his brown neighbor.  It's not racist by design, it just situationally happens to target a majority non-white population.

That's what racism looks like. Just like interment camps for Japanese Americans was super racist.

Once again, racism isn't donning white robes and being a member of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Trump deliberately fueled racist sentiment throughout his campaign. He falsely claims undocumented immigrants are criminals, when in fact they are *less* likely to commit crimes. He suggested a Muslim registry in this country during the campaign. The media didn't make that up. They reported what he did.

When then, can we start removing the statues of FDR since you have confirmed he's a racist?

Remember Kate Steinle and always remember an "injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere"

Actually, when the targets are people who aren't white, it's completely racist. It's just scapegoating non-whites to scare white people by preying upon their racial biases. There's nothing new about this. Racism is a lot more complicated than donning white robes and burning crosses.

Tell that to the family of Jamiel Shaw

Tax Remittances

you registered an account simply to spew racist swill.
textbook loser.

Nah just a fact based reality of how we as a nation got here:

see we already did this one in 1986 where the Dems and Gop had a "grand compromise". we the people trusted our govt and what happened? the problem within 25-30 years grew by a factor of 3x or 6x ( depending n what #'s you think may be accurate) So while I lament this clown is anywhere near power the blanket "it's racist" just doesnt hold true to the facts.

Sometimes people can disagree on principle without resorting to fake insults that arent based in reality

All the best to you and yours.

As a wise man once said "Elections have consequences".

Tax Remittances

lalochezia, I whole heartedly agree with you. The ban is plain dumb, immoral, illogical and un-american

See I respect your opinion even though we may differ on some issues like say illegal immigration.

please do keep stating anyone who may in some small way disagree with you in therefore a racist. Frankly, that small minded liberal group thing is what led us to this calamity to begin with.

Protest all you want, it your right and I fully support it. Can you extend my first amendment right to me please? Or are you being Fascist?

All the best, see you at the march

If you obey our Immigration laws you have nothing to fear. if you don't, you should be deported.

remember when O'neill (dem) and Regan (gop) did the 1986 amnesty bill and promised it was a one time thing for 3 million people. Now the bi partisan problem got b/t 4 and 6 times worse depending on which studies you find accurate.

So remind me once more, why on earth would the citizens accept the word of their govt now when they were once lied to, then mocked and the problem grew many times over.

Peace for all but that includes the rule of law

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 115 police precinct
« on: September 05, 2013, 02:11:17 PM »
What about the Car dealers on Northern in the mid to high 50's who always use the sidewalk to park for sale cars?

It means a pedestrian needs to walk into Northern to pass and creates a hazard.

it's the people sidewalks not some car dealerships.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Chica Chica and other annoying post cards
« on: July 28, 2011, 04:23:10 PM »
rhydewithdis did you happen to notice peralta is as liberal as they come and not a conservative?

Think your a bit off course in your assertation, no?

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