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Messages - ChickenringNYC

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Omicron Variant
« on: Yesterday at 10:07:37 PM »
Thanks, unvaxxed!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Omicron Variant
« on: Yesterday at 05:21:04 PM »

Omicron has passed in SA with NO major spike in deaths. Also, USA 14-day average for deaths is down by 7%.

Happy New Year folks!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: "Violence Plagued Jackson Heights"
« on: December 29, 2021, 12:38:57 PM »
And for what it's worth, comparing this year to last year is entirely pointless, so don't bother.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: "Violence Plagued Jackson Heights"
« on: December 29, 2021, 12:36:52 PM »
Crime is down, historically.
Or do we want to go back in time to the Giuliani days?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Omicron Variant
« on: December 29, 2021, 12:09:49 AM »
Believe it or not, I'm not a *it's just a flu* person. The only point of this limited and specific thread is that the dreaded omicron variant is a red herring, trumped up by doom-porn peddling news outlets. Now that the CDC has downgraded their *estimate of the Omicron percentage AND shortened asymptomatic to five days, I'm sure cases and deaths will skyrockets right past the James Webb telescope. (Note my withering sarcasm)..  long story short? Stay vigilant, get a booster, and live life!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: "Violence Plagued Jackson Heights"
« on: December 29, 2021, 12:05:27 AM »
Lol. Ouch! Then again, I mean, if 37th and 94th street wants to gentrify, then have at it!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: "Violence Plagued Jackson Heights"
« on: December 27, 2021, 11:13:29 PM »
Not the first shooting out there. Bummer. Stay safe!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Omicron Variant
« on: December 26, 2021, 12:07:48 AM »

South Africa leading the way yet again.Eanwhile chaos amd terror reign here in the United States of Dumb. NYC Tough! ...not

fear and overreaction has always been the American way. except when it comes to guns, which are soon to be inserted into the womb during pregnancy to guarantee infants can develop skills before heading off to day care.

Ha! Never too early for trigger discipline.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Omicron Variant
« on: December 25, 2021, 12:09:46 AM »

South Africa leading the way yet again.Eanwhile chaos amd terror reign here in the United States of Dumb. NYC Tough! ...not

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Replacements for JHL after it's goan.
« on: December 24, 2021, 11:31:18 PM »
Facebook transparency? HAHAHAHA!!! I just spit out my egg nog. I don't seem to find reddit being talked about much with regard to anti-vaxing, capitol rioting, voter frauding, and outright complete disinformation. Reddit should be fine. It would be a tiny neighborhood forum on a moderated site that doesn't relentlessly data-mine its users.. not a toxic echo chamber of conservative memes and racist tropes on a site created by a sociopath.

Covid surge = greater need for closing the street. C'mon Omicron! Prove the NYT and the WaPo right and the South American researchers wrong! We can do it!

more importantly, we need to close every business in NYC immediately. we know all the variants spread more quickly indoors, so we must stop people from being in contact with strangers. as you are a scientist, i am sure you agree.

Nope in actual fact I think people are being hysterical about what this surge means and that cases will soon plateau, hospitalizations will not approach anything near their previous highs (as has already been demonstrated in London and elsewhere) and after the holidays things will calm down again. And this site won't be around for me to gloat about it!

Covid surge = greater need for closing the street. C'mon Omicron! Prove the NYT and the WaPo right and the South American researchers wrong! We can do it!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Omicron Variant
« on: December 22, 2021, 01:15:42 PM »
Funny, I was just about to link to the NYT today:

Gotta love the NYT.. always a week or two behind the actual facts. Cases and hospitalizations been dropping like a stone for like.. a week? in South Africa. Literally plunging. Pfizer covid pill just got FDA approval. We're seeing a completely predictable (and predicted) winter Delta wave, the same one that already tore its way through the Midwest.

One thing is for sure though, the media will try to incite and create panic where none is needed. Another dumb headline in the Times said they spoke to "more than two dozen people" who are tired of Omicron. Um. Yeah. Stay smart, keep washing your hands, perhaps limit your indoor dining and activities and you'll see, this wave will peak and come down.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Trader Joe's Location Requests
« on: December 17, 2021, 02:06:15 PM »
The ultimate in self-righteousness: People who want to live in a city without living in a city.

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