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Messages - nycbabe11

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: emergency food
« on: April 18, 2020, 07:24:09 PM »
Wonder how much they're pricing these "emergency food kits" for  >:( have seen markups of basic goods, I saw a street poster for masks at $12/pop and hand sanitizer for $20 recently, it infuriates me.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: should I be wearing a mask?
« on: April 18, 2020, 07:20:09 PM »
It's now required to go anywhere indoors in NY basically. Tried to go to the store today and I ran out of my usual masks this weekend (the irony) and got turned away from the grocery for not having a mask!! It's so funny because I've been wearing masks when I go out for about a month and glad to see adoption increase (no one was doing it a month ago and I felt crazy tbh) but I think the fact that it's mandated now speaks to it actually being effective at preventing spread so let's all be good neighbors and comply :) I bought my initial batch on if anyone needs a recc and will probably reorder because I'm frankly not sure how to best sanitize my homemade cloth one... would love tips if anyone has them.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Natural Farm Fresh
« on: April 18, 2020, 07:14:39 PM »
Don't think I've heard of this store! +1 would love to know where, going to the big stores gives me anxiety.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Where can I buy masks?
« on: April 18, 2020, 07:12:47 PM »
Small world, I also used - I think they're NYC based :) took a week or so to get mine, I got the 100 pack of FDA surgical masks for around $75.

They had KN95 but those have been sold out for a while, hoping to find some around the city as I heard they're the highest grade - if anyone knows where those are sold I'd love to know!!

For quick errands like getting my mail I just use a cloth bandana but use the surgical masks for going out & for groceries.

An acquaintance of mine in Ridgewood is making and selling reusable cloth masks. Hope it's OK to share, apologies if not!

I also bought some disposable masks to wear under a thin cloth mask (not purchased from above), took about 1 week to arrive via USPS. They will also donate masks with purchases made through their referral link

Happy masking, neighbors!

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