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Messages - ClassicBlue

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Fire on 84th and 37th
« on: February 25, 2010, 04:05:16 PM »
My dad ran down and took photos of the flames, heh  ::)

We saw the smoke from our building on 80th and 35th. My mom is pretty sad about it, she used to go to this shoe repair guy on that block, now his store is gone. Alot of memories going to the store with her when I was a child.

Pets and Animals / Re: Anyone looking for a cat?
« on: September 17, 2009, 12:39:30 PM »
Thanks for the 'views' everyone! I'm happy to announce that we've found a good, loving home for the cat. A family contacted me through craigslist a week ago and have taken the cat in. Hes loving his new home and the family has fallen in love with him.

Happy, happy, happy!  ;D

Pets and Animals / Anyone looking for a cat?
« on: September 10, 2009, 12:03:35 PM »
Hey guys, anyone looking to take in a cat? My sister and I rescued a cat off the street. He is a orange striped tabby cat (a few months old...not sure exactly how many months). Hes playful and sleeps alot...doesn't cause a lot of trouble. The problem is, I'm allergic (although have been doing fine...not too drastic) and we already have a dog...its extra work for us since we're not always home. We don't want to throw it back on the streets or send him to the adoption place. He really deserves a good home since hes such a sweet cat. It doesn't have his shots yet but there are no fleas and seems to be in good health.

If you're interested, please let me know so we can exchange e-mails (mine is: or phone #s...I live in Jackson Heights obviously...on 35th avenue.



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