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Messages - JHexplorer

Pages: [1]
Community Trade and Classifieds / Cleaning lady recommendation - Coty
« on: November 26, 2018, 06:57:37 PM »

I wanted to recommend a wonderful house cleaner named Coty. She lives in the area but will travel all over Queens. She is reliable and does a great job. Her current rate is $20/hr.

She asked me to help her find more work and I often see people here asking for recs.

Her number is 718-424-6321. Text is preferred. She mostly speaks Spanish, but her English is fine.

Restaurants & Food / Re: current status of fish in the neighborhood
« on: June 08, 2018, 09:35:34 AM »
The Mi Tierra fish counter on Northern and 81st is alive and well. It's good.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Shop - Pauglina
« on: January 04, 2018, 11:55:11 AM »
I'm sure I'll get some hate for this, but I'm not surprised at all Pauglina closed. Yes, it seemed to have expensive rent but more importantly because it barely had anything to buy!

I tried multiple times to buy something because I wanted to shop local and it mostly only had expensive soap, candles, very expensive art, and a few knick-knack plates. I actively searched there for my Secret Santa and friend's birthday and there was very little to buy. Of course it's closing. The café in the back was incredibly slow. It often looked like it was closed because the lighting inside was so dim that when you walked by it was dark.

In comparison, I often shop at Lockwood. They have a variety of really cute things and change their merchandise.

I feel bad for the owner(s), but I don't think this shop closing is a negative sign for Jackson Heights. I just think the store legitimately didn't have much to sell.

Hmmm, maybe they've changed cooks again because I went there twice over the last 6 months (it's a good sit-down Indian option since the restaurant is so large) and it was really tasty.

For fresh fish Mi Tierra on 81st and Northern Blvd has a great fresh fish counter. Pretty recently opened.

It has already reverted to its non-fish counter function.

I just bought fish there a few days ago? Really?

Maybe they were thinking of the 50s looking diner Jax Inn on Northern Blvd.
Also, the original article didn't mention Jackson Diner at all, but I think it is a neighborhood favorite! Great food, though certainly not American diner food.

Also I'd like a fun bar with good music.

For fresh fish Mi Tierra on 81st and Northern Blvd has a great fresh fish counter. Pretty recently opened.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Chateau
« on: December 10, 2017, 06:09:33 PM »
The garden is moderately child-friendly. Kids run around the path and play games. Yesterday with the big snowfall kids were out building snowmen and throwing snowballs.  But it's not encouraged that people play games like soccer or anything that could tear up the grass. The chateau has beautiful flowers and greenery and its expected people respect the space. Over the summer I laid out on the grass a few times and read a book. There are also benches to sit on throughout the garden. A few times a year the Chateau hosts community-wide garden parties where everyone can mingle.

I'm unsure if the garden is sinking. I haven't really heard anything about it. Each building is in charge of its own roof repairs so it behooves you to ask about the roof for the building you're looking into. My building got a new roof before we moved in. I don't think it was cheap, but that didn't effect us since it was already paid for by the time we bought.

The Chateau is really great. The garden is stunning The fireplaces work. The people really love living here and have been very welcoming. Good luck on your search.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Craft Cocktails
« on: April 27, 2017, 01:11:36 PM »
Soooo back to the important stuff:

Where do people go for a good cocktail? I'm moving to the neighborhood this summer and am excited to explore.

This sounds awesome, but I'm a true beginner and could probably only run 1-3 miles max!

Community Trade and Classifieds / Re: Parking
« on: April 27, 2017, 11:00:50 AM »
Just wanted to revive this very old thread regarding parking in the area.
I'm moving to the area and would love a spot or even any tips on a spot near 81st and 34th ave. I'm willing to walk a bit.

Community Trade and Classifieds / Parking near 81st and 34th Ave
« on: April 27, 2017, 10:02:34 AM »
Hey all!

Looking for parking space near 81st and 34th. Willing to walk a bit. I don't use the car every day so could be a back spot.
I have a small car. Please PM me! Thanks!

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