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Messages - Jec_in_JH

Pages: [1] 2
Restaurants & Food / Re: Laly's Restaurant
« on: December 11, 2018, 01:17:23 PM »
The negative comments on this post are basically asking this place to cancel their current lease, find another location that doesn't cost 20k a month, and hire a Manhattan design firm so that you can possibly, just possibly, feel comfortable eating there. And then you'll complain about the price of the food going up. Maybe you're not the best customer base to seek out. In the meantime, I'll keep talking it up. 

If Roosevelt is seriously too worrisome for people, it's easy enough to walk down 76th Street from 37th Avenue.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Laly's Restaurant
« on: December 11, 2018, 11:20:30 AM »
More unnecessary hyperbole. I walk down Roosevelt every day and it is not as extreme as portrayed.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Laly's Restaurant
« on: December 11, 2018, 10:40:50 AM »
I don't post here a lot, but the nitpicking and negativity is completely out of hand. 

To me, the restaurant is clean and spacious and low-key in a good way. The food, which to me is the most important reason for visiting a restaurant, is tasty and unique to the neighborhood.

I feel like the non-restaurant owners/hobbyist design aficionados should go somewhere else on the internet to critique commercial interiors. To bash this place over and over is doing a disservice to an amazing new local business.

Owners and managers of Laly's: I am a loyal patron and I do my best to tell everyone I know to try out your restaurant. I hope others will continue to do the same.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« on: March 26, 2018, 11:43:05 AM »
For what it's worth, I would be very interested in a local coworking space, especially one that isn't similar to We Work! missmarty, I would be happy to give input if you are looking for additional info/suggestions from freelancers in the area. I dislike working in coffee shops, mainly because I think people use them too often as offices. (This doesn't apply to people that buy food/drinks and leave within a reasonable timeframe. What annoys me is when someone sit at a table for 4 hours, or when someone conducts two hours of interviews from the corner table...)

Great article about a frustrating topic. I'm still bitter about Plant Love House after all this time, and Uncle Zhou's departure felt like opening up a fresh wound. Again with the absurdly high rents for no good reason. Though if all it takes for a restaurant to stay in Queens is a 1 or 2 dollar markup on a dish (as suggested by the Plant Love House owners in the article), are people willing to pay? I certainly would be fine with it.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Gothic Cabinet location
« on: March 14, 2018, 05:28:32 PM »
Looks like the grand opening is today. It’s basically the discount Rite Aid across from the regular Rite Aid. Such a waste of a big corner storefront. It did, however, look very busy.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Uncle Zhou's
« on: January 15, 2018, 12:20:53 PM »
This makes me sad! I loved going there, especially for the knife-shaved dial oil noodles. I hope that they relocate somewhere close.

Until then, does anyone know of another place nearby that might have a similar dish?

Restaurants & Food / Re: What will happen to Arepa Lady?
« on: November 07, 2017, 01:45:17 PM »
This is infuriating. Without knowing the full story, I am going to guess that the landlord is more to blame here. Why turn down a beloved local business unless you were intent on holding out for an exorbitant monthly rent? How long will the neighborhood be stuck with yet another giant empty storefront? Could it be that the landlord is more focused on getting a tax break while it sits vacant for another 3 years? We need to start fining landlords for lengthy vacancies. Local and citywide-elected officials, please address this issue!   

Hi Noelia: Welcome to the area. In case you haven't had any luck so far, I would suggest joining the Jackson Heights Families Yahoo group and posting there. Hope it works out!   

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Kim Brothers Market
« on: September 07, 2017, 04:02:30 PM »
I agree that it is probably more of a language barrier than anything. Love that place.

Restaurants & Food / Re: What will happen to Arepa Lady?
« on: August 16, 2017, 02:09:21 PM »
I do hope the family follows through with their plan to open up a new location in Queens! (and I also hope there's a landlord out there who will give them a fair rent.) It was likely a wise business choice to open another location in DeKalb Market, but please don't let this be another restaurant that leaves Queens for good.   

Fair enough point - the more I think about it, I would use Citibike at least a few times a month to get to Astoria. So why are they taking so long? Too bad we can't swap out this rideshare test run with a Citibike kiosk...   

I'm not completely against the carshare plan, but a better use of this space, especially in a dense neighborhood like JH, would be to expand Citibike stations here. Does anyone know if this is ever going to happen? It does seems like in order to expand further out in the boroughs that they might need to extend the 45 minute ride time that's included in the base price. Still, it is infinitely frustrating that the bike share program only goes to LIC.

Current Jackson Heights Zipcar users: do you find it difficult to rent cars in the neighborhood right now on the weekends?  (I used to have this problem while living elsewhere in NYC.) Would additional rideshare services like this one be useful to address the demand?

Restaurants & Food / Re: Favorite place in NYC for pastries
« on: May 18, 2017, 12:58:08 PM »
I have another option for anyone taking the 7 to/from Manhattan: Bien Cuit opened up a bakery in the Grand Central Market last month. I've only been there once for a pineapple danish, which of course is not technically a croissant, but it was unique and made me want to go back. I've also heard good things about the croissants at Arcade Bakery, which is further downtown. As mentioned by others, Breads is definitely worth checking out for everything and anything.

All of these Manhattan options can be on the $$$ side. In the end, I think our own Cannelle is still amazing for both quality and value.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: safety
« on: May 12, 2017, 04:05:53 PM »
As a woman living here I haven't had any issues besides the occasional catcalling, which can happen anywhere. I've never been physically threatened or felt like I was in danger in any way. To me Roosevelt Avenue is really not that bad - sure, there can be rowdy drunks later in the evening, but I generally feel safer on streets that have a lot of foot traffic. Like anywhere in the city, I feel a little less safe walking alone on ANY street past midnight or so, but I do my best to walk fast and stay alert. To me this is just part of living in a large city. 

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