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Messages - 82oldie

Pages: [1] 2 3
I think I was living in another reality when I volunteered to join you.

Maybe some day, when I'm at your speed, but now have to practice....

I hope you find more runners,

Good luck....

sounds good to me.. Where do we meet in Travers on Saturday.

Ahem, have never run and can maybe make 1/2 a block...

Joy on earth, but we can grow!!

Restaurants & Food / Re: Status of Swim Two Birds Restaurant
« on: March 10, 2017, 10:57:38 AM »
We're up to five pages and no restaurant...will it ever open?  Status?


Can't anyone stand up to bullies?

At least the post does not go on and on and one like the person posting about Flea Markets.i

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The JH Club
« on: October 31, 2016, 08:53:00 AM »
Why not just a bunch of JH residents sit down and talk, just sit and have a convo about things that interest them, find communalities' and maybe, decide to return and continue the convo at a later date.

Does that sound possible -- no Facebook, just humans looking at each other, talking, having coffee or tea, and of course, at e77.

For me they have the best tuna melt on the entire planet earth...stands up and raises her fists ready to...

Does this sound like a possibility?  Human beings talking to each other at E77?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Book Club in JH
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:29:03 AM »
All ideas welcome and yes we will get to work, decide on a topic, format the meeting venue, etc.

Your suggestions are formidable.

When we walk out we will either be bloodied or have a smile because we formed a book club.

I'll be sitting at the long table, see you on Sunday at 4 Espresso 77.


Neighborhood Chat / Re: Book Club in JH
« on: June 01, 2016, 10:05:21 AM »
Have enjoyed reading all the comments but let's take some action. I've been looking for a diverse book club too.

How's about meeting Sunday June 5, 4 p.m. at Espresso 77. And please buy a drink, Afzul runs an establishment. 

Bring your ideas, suggestions for the first book and a place to meet, all ages, all sexes, etc, all smiles welcome....

Neighborhood Chat / Democratic Club
« on: May 12, 2016, 07:54:09 AM »
Is there a meeting of a Democratic Club tonight, Thursday, May 12th???

Restaurants & Food / Re: Espresso 77
« on: March 17, 2016, 03:02:20 PM »
Oh mg mg mg, tomorrow I'll shower early in the morning and get ready to have a peppermint tea and whatever looks wonderful.

Finally, finally a place to sit and people watch plus make new lists.

What a wonderful nights sleep I'll have tonight.

It's so easy to make an oldie happy....

Julie and Afzal:

May all go well, and happen quickly.

Can't wait to see the new and enlarged E77 plus eat my tuna melt in wonderful solitude.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Any local Senior Tai Chai classes?
« on: January 07, 2016, 07:00:06 AM »
well, no one replied, guess no one will be there at 8:30, back to bed where it is nice and warm.

Coffee comes later.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Any local Senior Tai Chai classes?
« on: January 05, 2016, 10:17:14 AM »
It's Shelby 2 I'm bowing to, just had to go back and find your name, smiles.

Now, lets not make all this work an exercise in futility for Shelby2 and for those interested,  I'm shaking my index finger at all reading this post.

Thursday, January 7 there will be a meeting of the Jackson Heights Business Building Community Gathering at 78-27 37th Avenue, 2nd floor from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Go to Eventbrite to RSVP.  They have 20 places left open and you will find an explanation of what you will need to briefly explain about yourself.

I will be there, and maybe we can focus on a consensus after the meeting.

If not, we can go to Expresso77 -- that's my favorite place--  and pound out whatever.  No matter. we'll meet some great souls from Jackson Heights who are interested in Tai Chi.

BTW, Catherine Sheridan is out -- too crowded.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Any local Senior Tai Chai classes?
« on: January 05, 2016, 09:57:56 AM »
OMG, thank you for all the information, you truly went out of your way to fulfill one person's need for information.

Jackson Heights's  bows to you!!!

Shelby, all sorts of wonderful things happen when you log on, smiles

Thanks for helping the helpless.

Successfully sent an email, but I imagine that at this late date a cat sitter has been found.

oh well, I think I should act faster...

Don't know how to send private messages, but if you do, please send me one.

Am a cat sitter, with references.

Can cat sit for the Holidays.

Live close to St. Marks and IS l45

Old and Trustworthy

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