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Messages - dna

Pages: [1] 2
Neighborhood Chat / Re: The return of Mr.softee
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:23:46 PM »
Heard the jingle blaring from my apt near 79th st /34 ave too.  Can't remember which night over the weekend, but was after 10pm.  Found it a bit odd as well.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Hawks and other raptors around Jackson Heights
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:58:01 AM »
Have seen a few hawks from my window at Dunolly Gardens, particularly over the last few months.  Here is one that my wife got a good picture of...

The whole equation doesn't make sense to me.  Low volume (and low margin stores) should not equal high rents.  I'm not questioning your friend's research - I just don't understand how such a market is sustainable.  If JH residential apartment rents were higher, people wouldn't rent the apartments and would live elsewhere in the city, creating vacancy and leading to lower residential rents.

On the other hand, 37th avenue doesn't appear to be low volume to my untrained eye and perhaps the dollar stores have a higher profit margin than I might guess.  I've never taken an economics class, but there must be a demand for the rents to remain high and there must be potential profit - at least for some types of stores - for there to be demand.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Street Parking for residents
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:52:58 AM »
And Sunday is the easiest day BY FAR to find parking - probably because the meter rules are suspended on the commercial streets.  Even in the 70's finding a spot is typically a cinch on Sunday afternoon.  Weekend evenings are another story.

Parking difficulties are all relative though.  I don't actually own a car these days (just borrow one from time to time), but I once had a car for 2 months while living in Manhattan. The residential streets there were generally alternate side, with two cleaning windows per week on each side (i.e. one side Mon/Wed, the other side Tues/Thurs).  I lived in walking distance to my office and used to take lunch in my car two days a week from 11:30 to 1pm during the street sweeping so that I didn't have to move my car 4 days in a row (and spend 1/2 hour or more each evening looking for a new spot).

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Daycare?
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:27:22 AM »
In addition to the other daycare locations mentioned, there is also Rainbowland by Travers Park.  It is cheaper than Little Elms, but they don't take babies under 8 months of age (and they group 8-18 month olds together).  Little Elms on the other hand starts young - maybe 6 weeks? - and groups the non-mobile infants together.  My wife and I have a 3 month old and currently have family helping out during the day, but we are planning to make the transition to daycare when our daughter is around 6 months old.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Good walking jogging route
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:13:05 AM »
I used to run along 34th avenue between broadway and junction blvd, which has a bike lane (these days i'm lazy).  It's about 1.5 miles each way or 3 miles roundtrip.  I used to head out around 6am when traffic was light and run in the bike lane, which was great to avoid pedestrians on the sidewalk and there aren't many bikes out that early.  I always tried to be curtious and move to the sidewalk if I saw bikes coming my way (I run opposite the bikes and traffic) and never got any dirty looks, but have always been curious what bikers think of runners using the bike lanes.

I'm on board with those yearning for improved quality of life.  Some parts of J.Heights are just beautiful and a big part of what sucked me in 5 years ago when I moved here.  But other parts are often so dirty and unpleasant - namely the areas closer to the subway.  That dumpster on the west side of 75th between Roosevelt and 37th avenue that is right on the walk to the subway and out most mornings is perhaps the worst consistently bad smelling thing (during the summer) I've ever encountered.  My wife and I love taking long walks around the neighborhood, but rarely do we venture south of 35th avenue and we increasingly walk north of Northern for variety (though 34th avenue in the 70's & 80's is still my favorite including some of the adjoining blocks).  I've lived in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan's Chinatown, the East Village, and Williamsburg - and I don't mind gritty as an interesting change of pace, but our neighborhood just has the wrong kind of 'grit' for me I guess.

With regards to comparisons to Williamsburg or Astoria, Jackson Heights may be missing some of the cool restaurants and outdoor cafes, but the architecture in Jackson Heights (north of 37th Avenue at least) is so much nicer.  Williamsburg to me was one of the ugliest places I've ever lived.  I work in Manhattan so I can get my fix of trendy shops and restaurants there (not that I'd mind a few more here).  I'd just rather my neighborhood at home be a little cleaner.  I mean, littering is against the law, right?

Restaurants & Food / Re: Best Craft Beer Selection?
« on: September 26, 2012, 10:57:42 PM »
i second (or is it third) the MET.  surprisingly good selection as long as you aren't looking for something already cold.  they have a lot of octoberfests and pumkin ales at the moment in addition to their normal variety.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Jackson Heights Restaurant Week 2010
« on: June 25, 2010, 10:13:55 AM »
Thanks to Restaurant Week I made my first visit to La Fusta last night.  The $20 special included a salad, a beef empanada, half a skirt steak, flan and a glass of wine.  Service, food and ambiance were excellent.  The full menu looked inviting so I'll be back. Three days left for more discoveries!  This was a great idea, and like other Restaurant Weeks around the City it ought to be held twice a year.   :coolsmiley:

Went to La Fusta last night and was told they are not participating in restaurant week this year.  I even asked a second waiter to make sure, since we had seen it listed on line and read the review above, and was again told no.  Was already sitting down and had consumed a bunch of bread so we still ate there - and by the end didn't really mind since the food was very good, but would have been nice to get the deal.  In any case, they certainly shouldn't be advertising it if they aren't participating - though I find it very odd that they would honor it one night and not the next.

Neighborhood Chat / Luggage Repair?
« on: May 27, 2010, 02:27:49 PM »
Anyone know of any stores in the neighborhood (or otherwise) that will repair luggage?  I would hate to have to buy new luggage if a simple/cheap fix is possible.  Thanks!

Went in earlier today.  Produce section had good selection and GREAT prices.  Don't know if this is just an introductory thing since they just opened, but will definitely go back to find out.  Didn't look around rest of the store too much but it was pretty clean and nice.

Considering most people use the transit system to get to work, and a large portion of people work in Manhattan, it's pretty fair. Living in Jamaica is great if you commute to Long Island, but most people do not commute to Long Island.

Agreed, but being closer to Manhattan does not mean it is easier to get to Manhattan by public transportation.  Also, I would rather be 5 minutes further out with access to a number of train lines instead of one train line.

I think the transit ranking is the biggest crock, but if you look at how the other queens neighborhoods stack up (change the priority of every other category to zero) it appears to do the ranking based on how far the neighborhood is from Manhattan.  That's pretty narrow minded.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Shoe repair?
« on: March 29, 2010, 01:25:01 PM »
I've been taking my shoes to the shoe repair shop that's located across the street from Table Wine on 37th Avenue.  It's on the north side of the avenue, between 79th & 80th Streets (blue awning).  The people there are very friendly and accommodating.

do you know if they are open on the weekends or early in the morning?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Cable/Internet Providers in JH?
« on: March 29, 2010, 01:18:58 PM »
i use time warner, but i get flyers in the mail from RCN all the time (and the offers seem to get cheaper and cheaper).  from the flyers it doesn't seem like it has to be building wide, but i've never really looked into switching so i don't know.  i did look into verizon fios 1.5 yrs ago, but they still hadn't run their fiber optic cables through JH.  that may have changed by now, so may be worth checking them out too.

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