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Messages - NicAmbro

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Re: Saw Shack
« on: August 20, 2014, 10:34:13 AM »
Nobody except me cares, but I went in there and asked them what they could make gluten-free. After consulting with three different ladies of different ages (one about 11, one about 21, and one in her mid-30s) they concluded that the Malaysian curry chicken and the flavorless steamed "diet" dishes were the only things on their entire menu that could be gluten-free. Le sigh.

I've ordered from there and I'm gluten-free. I've gotten the diet chicken w/broccoli. It's made plain and steamed with sauce on the side. I didn't use the sauce. I keep Tamari at home to use.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Join Farm Spot - Jackson Heights' CSA!
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:37:12 AM »
If anyone else is looking for someone to split their vegetable share with, I'm interested! Thanks!

Restaurants & Food / Re: Celiac friendly Thai/Indian?
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:34:59 AM »
I was not diagnosed with Celiac, but was diagnosed with a severe gluten intolerance, so I sympathize with the plight of eating out.

I've had food from Arunee as well without issue. I had the Massaman Curry with chicken there and didn't have any reaction.

As far as Indian goes, I've eaten at Jackson Diner many times. As long as you stay away from the Naan and other breads, you should be fine. I have asked them before about the flour they use and the use of gluten. If they do use flour (outside of the bread), it's mainly chickpea flour.

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