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Messages - pixgirl

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Welcome to Roosevelt Terrace!

1. Taking the kitchen wall out in 1 and 3 bedroom apartments seems to be pretty common. I don't think they'll give you a hard time about this.

2. They'll approve basic stuff like what you listed. We renovated our bathroom and kitchen and they didn't push back or ask for additional details on any of the work.

3. This part is a bit more variable. I'd factor in anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks to get approval. There won't be much back and forth but I think maybe they meet in person to sign off so it depends where in the cycle you catch them.

Hope all the renovations go smoothly and that you enjoy living at Roosevelt Terrace.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: House Alarm
« on: October 16, 2017, 10:30:19 PM »
I heard a high pitched alarm at 1AM too. I'm on 85th Street and have no idea where it's coming from either. The only thing I can tell is that it's south of my apartment - so towards 37th Avenue. It happened multiple times over the weekend as well.


You folks are assuming I'm white.

Think again.

I happen to be enriching the community in my own way.

And proud to be doing so.

White, green, purple, polka dotted. Who cares. You compared communities of normal people to Epcot Center. Do you not see the problem with that?

Are you enriching the community by not being white? Are all non-white people some kind of noble, interesting, enriching monolith? I'm glad you're proud of enriching the community but others don't feel the same way so just keep that in mind. Some of us just want to be thought of as people who live in a city like everyone else. We don't want to be held up as cultural curiosities or beacons of diversity.


I am continually astonished to discover I can visit Latin America, India (74th St), Bangladesh (73rd) , China (Flushing) , Egypt (Astoria) , Philippines (Woodside) etc etc ...pretty much in walking distance. And if I stroll to Maspeth there's even the USA represented.

There's even the USA represented?!? The fact that all the things you listed can coexist IS the USA. The way this is phrased makes it seem like people are there to enrich your life somehow. No - people are just living their lives and it's so patronizing when people talk about it as charming or "a gift". Speaking as a person who you probably see as adding diversity to your environment, please be more thoughtful about how you talk about other people's realities. We are not here to make you feel good about living in a diverse community. We are just living our lives and happen to look different and eat different types of food. We're not some cultural attraction.

And if this is all a joke and you're trying to play the part, well done because you've got me convinced that you're serious.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parade tomorrow, Sunday 10/2/16
« on: October 02, 2016, 12:59:22 PM »
Does this parade seem noticeably louder than others? Car alarms are going off and my terrace door is shaking in its frame. It's making everything feel so chaotic.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Time Warner Internet in Jackson Heights
« on: May 27, 2016, 09:18:47 AM »
It's not a scam. I thought that too but I called Time Warner and they confirmed it's real. You may want to call the main Time Warner number to let them know you have your own modem. They may decide a technician doesn't need to be sent.

I think the true gem of the article was this line:

“Nothing is in English, and I kind of feel like I am on vacation.”


Another option to consider is cabinet refacing. We had a consult with Home Depot. They'll install new doors with modern hinges (on the inside), sand down years of paint to add a laminate overlay to match the doors, add cabinetry if you want, replace a counter top, and it includes all hardware and a new faucet. The end result is a modern looking kitchen, in about three days. We're still trying to figure out if this is the route we want to go. It's not inexpensive, but I like the idea of sticking with our actual wooden cabinets, versus ripping out and replacing them with something of lesser quality. 

A word of advice though, if you want to go this route, wait until you've done your research and have a good chunk of money saved. When the Home Depot designer does the consult, at that time he/she can offer you a lot - 10% discount, 24 month financing interest free. If you sign on the dotted line then and there, you can get those deals. (In NY state, you have 72 hours to change your mind).

We went this route but used Sears. For the love of God, do not use Sears. The experience was horrendous and the project coordinator they assign to Jackson Heights is such a jerk. I would hope that Home Depot is better.

Good luck!

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: The kitchen thread
« on: July 04, 2008, 05:59:05 PM »
This is a really random question, but was your apt by any chance featured on the HGTV show FreeStyle?  I swear they had an episode where the kitchen had a little side room just like yours.  The one where the sofa and coffee table are. 

I was an HGTV junkie for the 2 months or so before I moved into my co-op.  : )

Neighborhood Chat / Re: under 30 Jackson Heighters
« on: June 25, 2008, 09:20:13 PM »
i'm under 30.  bought a co-op and moved into the neighborhood two months ago.  lived in sunnyside for 26 years.  prices for co-ops are getting crazy there.  jackson heights gave me a lot more space and greenery for a much better price.  not that i don't love sunnyside, but i'm glad to call jackson heights home now.

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