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Messages - theprimetime

Pages: [1] 2
Restaurants & Food / Re: Any word on the supermarket that was Trade Fair?
« on: September 20, 2015, 08:53:47 PM »
I won't go back.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Lockwood is coming to JH - big news!
« on: August 30, 2015, 07:37:11 PM »
I'm the odd one out on this thread but someone has to play devil's advocate. Honestly, it looks like another crap store to me. They don't sell anything I need or could use. Odd plates and mugs, pass. Blank notebook, pass. Patchouli, definitely pass. Novelty books, maybe as a Christmas gift. I wish them luck though.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise (Part 2)
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:03:54 AM »
It's supposedly for "maintenance" but its every weekend now! Someone was telling me the planes are suppose to "take off" over the water because of the noise from throttling and landings occur from over land because it is quieter. It sounds right. I hope when they build this new airport they respect the neighborhood and do the right thing. The weekends are the only time most of us have to sleep late and no one wants to be disturbed by plane noise at 5:45 am on Saturdays and Sundays.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Banana Republic Outlet store in Jackson Heights
« on: August 09, 2015, 09:51:52 AM »
Would love to know how much of an increase in rent Banana Republic is paying compared to former tenants? This is the crust of the problem. Sure, landlords want to maximize profits but how much of a premium are they going to put on rents that are already too high? In the end the consumer pays for it in high prices. I understand this is a cheaper version of Banana Republic but the seeds are being sown. It will spread. Some will see this as an improvement but others, like myself, see the mom and pops as the reason why NYC is special. Would like these Mall type stores to stay in the mall.

Neighborhood Chat / Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« on: November 30, 2014, 11:55:12 AM »
Just walk by the post office and witnessed a panhandler dressed as a monk. It's been a problem in the city for awhile. They have finally branched out to here. The New York Times wrote about it this past summer.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:37:13 AM »
Yes. In America anything is possible.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:17:50 AM »
These Roosevelt Avenue merchants are very selfish not to cater to the needs of those who live in the historic district. I demand cupcake shops, doggy daycare, and a bikram yoga studio. Don't these merchants know how capitalism works? It's supposed to benefit those who are better off! It will benefit them too, although they have no cultural connection to any of the useless crap I just mentioned. Only if there was a way to get rid of them.....
Yes, exactly. Wanting cleaner streets and no prostitution is YUPPIE CODE for cupcake shop. Why can't everyone see through the lies? ::)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: September 04, 2014, 12:57:47 AM »
These Roosevelt Avenue merchants are very selfish not to cater to the needs of those who live in the historic district. I demand cupcake shops, doggy daycare, and a bikram yoga studio. Don't these merchants know how capitalism works? It's supposed to benefit those who are better off! It will benefit them too, although they have no cultural connection to any of the useless crap I just mentioned. Only if there was a way to get rid of them.....

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:59:31 PM »
Just as a point of reference, here is the list of commercial districts in the city that have formed BIDs.  I don't think there's any easy way to generalize about them.

Also, I think it's fair to say some pretty stupid things have been said on both sides of this debate, from "not the right kind of shoppers" on one side to Willets Mall-funded conspiracies on the other side.  Let's not assume that these folks speak for the majority on either side.  It is certainly possible to support the BID as a way of improving the safety, cleanliness and quality of life along Roosevelt, without secretly hoping for a wave of gentrification.  And it is possible to oppose the proposal without believing it is a secret plan to improve the bottom line of the future mega-mall that will soon be our neighbor.
The linking of the extended BID to the Willets Point Mall Project was an off the record comment made by a local elected official. Whether it would directly improve the bottom line of the mall I don't know but both projects together would certainly accelerate gentrification in the neighborhood.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: August 30, 2014, 12:41:15 PM »
that sounds about right.

Jenni_Squirrel's very detailed reports on the meetings she attended did note that supporters of the BID admitted the area was vibrant and attracted plenty of shoppers -- just not the BID fans' target demographic.
That sounds right too. I haven't read her report but I concur. From my observations Roosevelt Avenue never had a foot traffic problem. Ever since this thing started I have always felt the priced out of brooklyn babystroller crowd wanted to change the neighborhood to something that their more accustomed to.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: August 30, 2014, 11:18:07 AM »
I think most people are concerned about privatizing a process that should be public. The more shameful consequence of the BID will be the weeding out of Jackson Height's diversity . Seth is just collateral damage in this on going saga.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: We didn't make the top five
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:26:48 AM »
I hope Jackson Heights never becomes gentrified. Love the diversity. Such a unique neighborhood that can't be found anywhere else.

BTW, Why can't a home just be a home? A place where experiences are shared and memories made? Why does everything have to be reduced to a financial value? My parents and grandparents lived in their homes for decades and never mentioned home valuations once. It was their home, case closed.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Foodtown's self checkout
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:01:47 PM »
Why should I have to scan and bag my items? I'm the customer, not the cashier! They are turning us into employees who work for free! Ridiculous!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Diversity Plaza Upgrade?
« on: July 06, 2014, 11:14:37 AM »
I'm 100% for pedestrian plazas just not the one on 37th Road. From its beginning it's been a blight on the neighborhood. Unless the merchant association/city pay someone to sweep it during the day and power wash it every morning I think its best to return it to a functioning road. It makes no sense to invest in infrastructure and not maintain it.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:34:07 AM »
Relevant article addressing the BID.

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